Reviews for Something Wicked This Way Comes
JFalcon-TM chapter 12 . 7/26
Seems like a pretty empty threat. Even if they really could jump between worlds, its not like his previous world is defenceless. High technology and sheer numbers would give them a vast advantage over any type of attack the Cult may try to pull off. I also don't think it really fits Lelouch's character to take such threats at face value, getting so distraught without any indication the cultists are powerful to such an extent.
SoulSnatcherr chapter 23 . 7/24
I love the relationship between Crusch and Lelouch
NobodyOwens5 chapter 14 . 7/19
i like this, the witch is being far more active than in the show. her messing with "The Golden" is both funny and worrisome.

awesome fic so far though.
Kacchako4lyf chapter 23 . 7/16
This is easily one of the best Re:Zero stories I've ever read... not that I've read that many.
Either way this is an amaizing fanfic.
FerunaLutelou chapter 14 . 7/14
At this point Im getting a bit frustrated with how much you underestimate the magic in Re: Zero. The "Al" before the spell is not something that should be said lightly. And all additions to the standard spell dont just make it stronger, they change the spell itself. For example Al Shamak is not just a spell that blinds an opponent more effectively than just Shamak. Al Shamal is a banishment spell, with which you banish someone from this world, permanently.
lee2doie chapter 15 . 6/18
Now I want to know if someone chose to write about the other option.
Ciel Moony chapter 23 . 6/7
love this
Tetho chapter 12 . 6/5
One thing I've learned watching Miyuverse Shirou and Lelouch is that you don't fuck with their little sisters.
Issei ODR chapter 23 . 5/30
Espero con ansia el siguiente capitulo.
Issei ODR chapter 21 . 5/30
Me gustó mucho el capitulo
Issei ODR chapter 4 . 5/30
Me gustó mucho este capítulo, además de como lelouch cambiará esta historia.

Aún así quisiera saber cómo se entromete en esto satela.
Guest chapter 23 . 5/25
Hadn't checked in on this in a while and was quite pleasantly surprised to have many chapters to catch up on. Also took the opportunity to check out your other stories - they're all interesting ideas and I enjoyed all of them, but this one is still my favourite. Few protagonists are as much of a joy to read as a well written Lelouch. Looking forward to your next chapter!
Halcyon chapter 23 . 5/24
Damn its been three years since i experienced the horror of reaching the end of a chapter here and seeing there isn't more. I don’t know much else to say. Does saying i had to double check my eyes to see that this indeed has continued or if it was the tears blurring my vision. Great read. Honestly i’m glad i checked back here in prep for season 2 of re zero. Rereading the whole thing has certainly been enjoyable.
MakhlukZamanNow chapter 23 . 5/22
Pretty cool chapter even if it's rather short. So lelouch will be meeting shaula soon? should be interesting on seeing how different the responses is from subaru
Guest chapter 23 . 5/22
That last line kinde remind me of Avenegers. Will be waiting for the next update
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