Reviews for An Adventure in Swords and Magic
Jemstone6259 chapter 18 . 12/9/2019
I won’t lie Claire is bringing to annoy me with how she is reacting. Don’t get me wrong this is fascinating to read and I can’t wait for the next chapter but Claire is such an opposite of myself that I find how she is dealing with what she did to be a bit ridiculous. I’m curious how your going to pull her out of this state she’s in.

Oh and by the way the first scene with Solas in her dreams was so freaking cool! I loved the attention to details and the fact you didn’t try to hide that Solas is the case of all this!
Judy chapter 18 . 12/5/2019
Belbelanne chapter 18 . 12/5/2019
I'm glad that Bull is there for Claire. Between Varric, Solas and Bull, hopefully they can get Claire out of this mood.
TheReader994 chapter 18 . 12/5/2019
Another chapter! What a nice surprise
Guest chapter 18 . 12/5/2019
Way to go bull! :) Keep that up and hopefully she will grow to forgive herself.
Judy chapter 17 . 12/3/2019
Belbelanne chapter 17 . 12/3/2019
I'm sure you will do well with Varric and Solos. The party meeting Blackwell should be interesting, especially Bull's opinion. Hope when Cole joins he can help Claire and maybe even Cassandra.
Jemstone6259 chapter 17 . 12/3/2019
Kassandra is a perplexing character, maybe not as much as Solas or Cole, but still all the same you captured her personality and actions rather well. I really like reading about Claire from their own perspective.
TheReader994 chapter 17 . 12/3/2019
Poor Claire. And poor Cassandra. They’re both trying to do the best they can, and I gotta say, while I was angry with Cass at first, the guys pushing all the blame to her makes me rather irked at them. She went about it the wrong way, but I do think her intentions were to help Claire.
Heavyarms150 chapter 15 . 10/22/2019
And thats why modern human going back to medieval times never works out for the modern human. Different customs different morals killing being one of em. I am loving this though.
Judy chapter 16 . 10/18/2019
Jemstone6259 chapter 16 . 10/18/2019
You know what would be hilarious hearing her speak in a language not known to any of them, especially Bull. Think of it a few words in French (the language of love), German (the freak sounding one that can butcher the beauty in anything). It was just an entertaining idea that popped in while reading this chapter.
I love that it was from Bulls POV and we got to see something from his side. Poor dear girl though, my heart reaches out to her.
TheReader994 chapter 16 . 10/18/2019
I like how understanding the companions were to Claire’s reaction.
Hidden Berserker chapter 16 . 10/18/2019
I gotta admit Solas has a point. Cassandra knows that Claire has no idea what she's doing and every time she gains the confidence to make a decision Cass shuts her down. She even shut her down in front of her own troops. Yes Claire is young but she's also the person that was put in charge by Cass. She'd have a lot more confidence in her abilities if Cass would at least show an ounce of support but her unbearably high standards are pushing Claire too far. I think the biggest thing that Cass needs to learn coming out of this is to be able to swallow her pride and admit that her way isn't always best and that Claire can't do whar she did at Claire's age. Cass has been fighting most of her life. Claire's been at it for a month and you can't expect her to be a force of nature just because you need her to br.
Belbelanne chapter 16 . 10/17/2019
Poor Claire, when will Bull and the others work out that she's not from their world? Should be good to read their reactions. Thanks for the chapter.
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