Reviews for Doctor Who: Series 2 reviews
Faeyre chapter 1 . 9/26/2017
YES! The "rude and not ginger" part made me smile
And I love it when people have such interesting expressions

And I was also still missing Nine at this point
And I thought the hand part weird and kind of creepy
ChangelingRin chapter 7 . 1/25/2017
Yeah... as far as two-parters go, there are better ones out there. But as an introduction to Cybermen, I feel like this did pretty well. Certainly hammered in why we ought to be afraid of them.

Keep it up!
TercesTardis chapter 6 . 12/28/2016
I won't give away too much, but parallel universes play a big part. A VERY big part. This is not the best episode, but it isn't really the worse. Actually, this was the episode where I stopped being massively annoyed towards Mickey, so it was very nice to see him served justice. The Cyberman are terrifying in later seasons. Can't wait for the next review!
Andy the willow tree chapter 6 . 12/28/2016
I completely forgot what happened in this episode, that's how underwhelming it was.

I kind of wonder what happened to Rose, the dog.
ChangelingRin chapter 6 . 12/28/2016
Yeah... the Cybermen special, when compared to other episodes, isn't as good as some. It's definitely not the worst, though. Can't remember what the worst is, but I know this isn't it.

Glad to see you back. Happy Holidays to you, and keep it up!
TercesTardis chapter 5 . 11/11/2016
Yes, this was an AMAZING episode. Best episode of S2 in my opinion.
Andy the willow tree chapter 5 . 11/11/2016

Sorry, little rant over. I think I've cried enough about that already.

This episode is one of my favorites. Mostly because my brother has this clock in his room that ticks, and you can sometimes hear it through the wall, and I use to think I was getting haunted by the ghost of a clock, because I had no clock in my room. So yes the heebie geebies for this one. Rather freaky.

The sarcasm in this episode was brilliant.
TercesTardis chapter 4 . 10/31/2016
Yay! You've updated! I actually love this episode, for the mere fact that they've finally connected with the Classic era. Yes, Rose is sort of annoying at the start, but you gotta love that part when she and Sarah Jane are practically falling down, laughing. Mickey does have charcter development, like you said, and David Tennant does have some brilliant acting skills. Actually, David is actually a HUGE fan of Elizabeth Sladen, so he must he been so excited. Also, if you liked Sarah Jane and K9, you'd probably like to know that they actually have a spinoff. The next episode is really awesome, can't wait for your review!
QTArbuthnot chapter 4 . 10/30/2016
Glad you're back reviewing, and can find the time away from the 'A'-levels and such *shudders at long-suppressed memories*.
Anyway - 'School Reunion'. Probably the first decent story of season 2 (the first two are making me put off my series 2 marathon, but I'll get there...)
Really nice to see Sarah Jane again, but a good story even without her (and K-9). Was really pleased to see Mickey coming into his own here. He's grown a lot from the boyfriend-who's-not-really-good-enough-for-her in 'Rose'.
The plot, as you comment, was rather 'busy' and could have done with a bit more exposition on the Skasis Paradigm. Tony Head was great as the headmaster though (I'd only seen him in Buffy and coffee adverts before, so it was quite interesting to see him doing 'evil' rather than 'nice'.)
I loved all the interpersonal stuff. Yes, Rose was bitchy and jealous, but it seemed to me not at all out of character when she realised that she wasn't the first and only (maybe RTD was trying to tell some of the fans something, too ?)
Sarah Jane got her own series after this (with K-9 as one of her sidekicks), and while she does make another appearance in Doctor Who, it's not for a while.
The next episode is (IMHO) one of the best of the modern era - looking forward to seeing your take on it :)
Andy the willow tree chapter 4 . 10/30/2016
I actually completely forgot about this episode, and really couldn't remember why didn't like Rose as much as the other companions. And now I remember.

Sarah Jane is the best! I watch a little of the spin off about her, and her doings, and she's just... so amazing.

I honestly can't remember the next episode, (The one I'm thinking of isn't for a least a few more I believe) so I don't really have to worry about spoilers.
ChangelingRin chapter 4 . 10/30/2016
All true. Personally Sarah Jane was the highlight for me in this episode when I first watched it, and I adore the scene where the Doctor recognizes her in the beginning with his ecstatic schoolboy grin. You can practically SEE him bouncing.

Good point on Rose, though. Thankfully she got over it. And I'm pretty sure she gets better... I think. It's been a while, but I know there's some good ones coming.

Keep it up!
ChangelingRin chapter 3 . 10/11/2016
Whoops, didn't realize you were doing this under a different story. Glad I found it again, I enjoy this.

I'm not sure I've ever said this before, but you have good insight regarding plot holes and things. I always look forward to seeing what you thought of something because you put so much thought into it.

Keep it up!
Whitequeen1979 chapter 2 . 9/24/2016
Absolutely excellent! I love reading these! Please, can you do some more soon? Thank you :3
TercesTardis chapter 3 . 9/14/2016
Nice to see you've reviewed again. Yes, this is actually an interesting episode, and the effects are better probably because it's 2006. I mean, wait until you get to Season 9! The effects get better every year. The werewolf is very interesting, and as for Queen Vicky's (I can call her that, can't I?) reaction to the Doctor, I suppose the knighting IS a bit weird, but the banishment really isn't. It seems like whenever he meets royalty, they want to execute him, or banish him. Let's see, there's Queen Elizabeth, King Henry the Something, oh, I'm losing count.

Anyway, more to the point, the look on the Doctor's face though! I also loved the "you have something of the wolf" thing with the werewolf. That was just awesome. The next episode is very, very interesting...*wink wink*
TercesTardis chapter 3 . 9/8/2016
Yes I know. This isn't the best episode in Season 2, (the best is still to come!) but it is really very interesting. The plot twists are like, "where did they get that, then?" The mistletoe and diamond is just brilliant. And the mention of the Bad Wolf interested me a lot when I first watched it. When Queen Victoria banished Doctor and Rose after knighting them, oh my gosh I totally burst out laughing from the look on the Doctor's face. Glad to see a new review up, by the way. I was checking on this story every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I was actually worried this got flagged. But it's fine. Looking forward to the next review! (I cannot wait to see your reaction!)
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