Reviews for what you are is a daydream
atomiccounty11 chapter 1 . 11/19/2017
This was beautiful! Loved it! Very well written
atomiccounty11 chapter 1 . 10/13/2016
That was beautiful I loved how you wrote it.
RMForever chapter 1 . 7/5/2016
Loved this! Write more pretty please!
fatedtopretendd chapter 1 . 7/2/2016
NEW FIC! Although where you trying to kill me by writing canon post 3x25. But this is so great. All the 'real' moments were so damn painful. I love that you capture the omnipresence of Marissa and their memories, heartbreaking thought it may be. I probably loved the Greece narrative more for obvious reasons. I can see it so much they way you describe it (lol at Marissa dropping her phone in the Pacific Ocean). I love the way the reunion plays out. I can totally see him just kissing her when he sees her for the first time again, regardless of whatever they have or haven't talked about, and she would kiss him back and it would just be that simple because fundamentally it is. It's sad to think of the scene in canon terms but I also think the truth is overrated, so it left me smiling a lot at the end.