Reviews for Washouts and Weed Killers
Alysia Of The Pen chapter 1 . 9/19/2017
I love the order of this piece, the careful thought and worldbuilding behind it (Ginger is my favorite part), and the excellent word choice for characterization here. Additionally, Pidge's gender is well expressed here, if subtly.
TimeturnerJasmy chapter 1 . 4/14/2017
I enjoyed this a lot. It was very emotional, but in no way over the top. Perfectly balanced! Good job.
Spacelolli chapter 1 . 10/19/2016
Holy crap this was almost all exclusively banter. Its like reading and episode of Red Vs Blue which is my all time fav series and what my personal writing tends to emulate (its a show about soilders in space who wear coloured armour and do nothing except banter and argue about important things like whether or not you can pick up chicks in a tank [the long answer is 'of course not you moron' {the short answer is 'yeah you can, duh'}]). I can tell this was a joy to write and it was definitely a joy to read.

Just a note, internal thoughts of a character are never put in quotes. Quotes always mean a character said that thing out loud. Internal thoughs are usually just italicized. Some writers dont even do that. Either way you do it, your readers will get it.

Another thing about quotes, if a character is talking for a long time to the point where you have to break up their dialogue into several paragraphs, you actually dont use closing quotations at the end of a paragraph.

"Pidge was doing a lot of uniterupted talking about what her time on Elad. Which means it gets broken up into paragraphs.

"The open end on the previous paragraph lets the reader know this is still Pidge talking. Like so."

Also, when Pidge mentions how the right lens of her glasses are smudged, its never actually stated that she means her glasses. There was probably a sentence before that line that got edited out?

Those are a lot of really small nit picks, but thats generally a good sign because everything else was wonderful. You've characterized Lance a lot differently compared to other writers but I like your version a lot more that how a lot of people write Lance. A lot of people seem to think Lance is a social nitwit or at the very least an idiot. I mean, easy to think that but its probably closer to how you've represented Lance. A dude who is just talks a constant stream of consciousness like, all the time. People who are like this irl tend to sound dumber than they actually are but if you listen close youd know better.

Pidge is usually writen as either 100% sass queen or 100% sad queen. Im not saying thats a bad thing. I just thought there was no in between until now and I'm incredibly impressed that you pulled off both.

Alright, that was a longer comment than i intended. Excuse me while i go read the next part immediately.
Doroline chapter 1 . 8/2/2016
i absolutely love this fic! i have to admit that at first i wasn't understanding what was happening but at some point everything just kinda made sense and i fell in love with the narrative and the characterization.

the plot was fascinating because i could tell how elaborated were the experiences of pidge and lance. (especially pidge's! the elad topic was both creepy and interesting, good job.)

and the way you wrote about every emotion that overwhelmed pidge, and all the amazing details you trew at the lector like how uncomfortable pidge felt because of her unhygienic state ("I got bags under my eyes, my breath stinks, and you know how our suits are supposed to feel like second skins? There's a thin, but impossible to ignore, layer of...something...between mine and my actual skin" - one of my fave parts because it adds a realistic feeling to the whole situation) and that one fragment about how she recognizes that lance is such and expressive guy... ... .. i adored it all.

(also, the whole ginger ellington issue was extremely cool.)

the notes at the end of the fic were highly appreciated and it was a good bonus to know some of your thoughts about your work.

anyway, i'm glad i read a story about these two, and i would definitely do it again because their possible interactions are pure gold.

thank you! i really enjoyed it!
RandomReviewerReturns chapter 1 . 7/14/2016
Oh I'm glad this story is on too! AO3 is nice but it can be hard to keep track of stories you're following.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/13/2016
This is amazing! Omg it's incredibly well written all the charactersare perfect! Great job!
Silver Inklett chapter 1 . 7/7/2016
This is some top of the line banter right here, omg. The whole fic was wonderfully done, with just enough of a balance between the Pidge Lance banter and the story telling to keep me interested. There were a few passages that I had to read over several times to fully understand them, but it was easy to get back into the rhythm of the fic afterward, and it made it feel more like we were in Pidge's head and not just a fan fic.

Overall, an excellent read that I was eager to visit again before I even finished reading it the first time lol. And now, I am off to go shove this fic in my friends' faces and scream "YOU HAVE TO READ THIS" lol. Can't wait to see what other ideas you have planned for this fandom!
Star-The-Writer chapter 1 . 7/5/2016
I needed this in life. You should do a thing about the team back together reacting to each other's stories of what happened to them!
ZiggySmallz chapter 1 . 7/5/2016
I was really hoping for more romance, but good story
TheSakuraHunter inactive chapter 1 . 7/4/2016
This story was a real true treat to read _! Your words were descriptive, flawless, and strong; and I absolutely loved the hilarious but emotional and heart-warming conversations between Pidge and Lance (I swear these two are so sweet I can't even). We need way more fics about these two, and I'm so happy that this story was one of the best of this pair. I look very forward to the rest of Ventures in Viridian, and I hope you update soon! -TSH
not paranoid enough chapter 1 . 7/3/2016
This is awesome. You've done a great job with a fantastic pair of characters, pushing them but without breaking who they actually are.

The conversations were great and I love their master plot against Ginger :D

Hope to see more from your universe! This was excellent.
olivediamond chapter 1 . 7/2/2016
I love it. Good job comrade.
Yemi Hikari chapter 1 . 7/2/2016
Apologies, but I found the piece to be very stiff, not enough explanation as to what was going on, and yet also filled with a ton of stuff we didn't need to know, making the entire piece move way to slowly. Sometimes less is more, but there is also the idea of letting readers know what they need to know, and not other things.