Reviews for Butterfly Wings
miss jayne76 chapter 42 . 8/23
Really good story! Thanks for writing it xxx
Silvertikal chapter 42 . 8/14
This story was nicely written. I enjoyed reading a different sort of Klaine AU. It took me ages to realize that Mercedes wasn't Kurt's BFF cuz I kept thinking 'why wouldn't she tell Kurt about her marriage?' kinda dumb of me but meh. It's an AU so there were bound to be differences. The character growth was lovely to see. Only recommendation I might have for future stories is to break up some of your dialogue with actions. Humans naturally fidget or express themselves when talking, whether it be with their hands or by pacing or nervously chewing on their lip as they think. I commend you for writing the lyrics for Blaine's songs, as well as adding other intricacies or details to it through research to the story. It's obvious to me that you spent a lot of time on this, and did a fantastic job.
LvSammy chapter 42 . 8/7/2019
Ekkyl chapter 42 . 6/11/2019
Hey you
Now I have finished “Butterfly wings” for the second time, and this time I have read it in 3-4 days. It is a beautiful story and I love it so much...definitely not the last time I will read it. Much love thanks for sharing
leahmo34 chapter 42 . 5/11/2019
Well I finished it finally. I didn't know I been reading it for 3 months. I'm glad I did it that way . It lasted longer. I'm happy they got married and had kids. Florida seems nice to live at. I really enjoyed your story. and our little chats. My next story to read is Westerville Abbey . I know that one has a sequel.
leahmo34 chapter 41 . 5/8/2019
Well Blaine still kinda working at Vogue. Why is he giving up the penthouse? I'm glad he pursues his dreams.
leahmo34 chapter 40 . 5/6/2019
You could make a dom/sub storyline so easy. But make it a loving caring storyline. I can't stand it when they where dog collars.
no, i didn't guess who the author was to krian feels. it's good Kurt changed his major. I love the cabin. My kind of place. I should start putting my paintings on Tumblr. I'm surprised Blaine doesn't want to to be a full time singer. But I like him working at vogue.
leahmo34 chapter 39 . 5/3/2019
This story could have gone on longer. Kurt going to college. Blaine and Kurt getting married.
That's great that Kurt got accepted. I was hoping you wrote in Blaine being in his nightbird suit. Maybe Blaine will be a song writer. But he needs to want to do it instead of Kurt telling him.
leahmo34 chapter 38 . 5/2/2019
fantastic, Blaine did wonderful. now I might have to go look at the artwork. I thought the song sounded familiar. I have it. I'm picturing Blaine like he was in that movie. I hope Kurt will appreciate the surprise that Blaine did fire him. I hope Kurt runs into his arms when he sees him.
leahmo34 chapter 37 . 5/1/2019
Kurt has trust issues. Kurt needs to learn to communicate, instead of jump to conclusions. Blaine better woo Kurt big time.
leahmo34 chapter 36 . 4/29/2019
I'm glad Kurt quiting his job in Paris. He wants to move back to New York. I guess they made out before they took a took a nap. I would have called it making love for the first time , instead of the f-words. But that's just me.
leahmo34 chapter 35 . 4/27/2019
now I see why you have 3 parts. great song selection. kurt did great with smutty parts.
leahmo34 chapter 34 . 4/25/2019
I'm glad they talked first. instead of jumping right in with. sex. I'm glad they talked about Sam . I'm glad they are taking their time too. I bet they will go at it like rabbits when they get started, lol.
leahmo34 chapter 33 . 4/24/2019
Thank you for answering each review. Thank you Sam for opening your big mouth and telling that Blaine is in love with Kurt. That was funny that Kurt thought Blaine was bi lol. I guess they are not going to waist anytime now. great chapter. on to the next chapter.
leahmo34 chapter 32 . 4/23/2019
I hope Blaine tells Kurt that is was Sebastian who posted the Klainegate. I'm surprised he didn't tell him on the Skype date. what is Monarch house? does it help homeless or abused children. I can't wait for the next chapter..
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