Reviews for 33 Tales of an Idol and Luck
JDZ chapter 21 . 11/14/2019
Jeewheeze- I'm kinda seeing this chapter having some relevance to chapter 16... is that the one named Run? Anyways, awww my hart... it really pains me everytime to see this one happening, but I loved how you added some fluff or romance between the two. Also, the way how you made Sayaka's redemption act helped alleviate the pain and tragedy. I also loved how Makoto became more reflective about his emotions in this part, but that's probably because something is bad happening. It's quite a nice change of view or a much more fleshed out version of him. Anyways, I hope you can accomplish until chapter 33- doing 100 is an amazing feat, but not an easy task, moreso when you are giving effort to make those chapters meaningful and not repetitive or less substance. All in all, I'll look forward for your future updates! Take all the time you need, but always keep up the good work!
Guest chapter 24 . 10/9/2019
Get better soon. I have an idea for the collection if you’ll take it. A HS AU with Sayaka and her group as the popular girls and Makoto as the nerd/outcast type guy. Makoto happens upon them one time or helps Sayaka out somehow and it leads to them hitting it off.
1995hzq chapter 24 . 9/24/2019
Welcome back, this chapter is a wonderland eh.
Fallenstreet01 chapter 24 . 9/25/2019
Welcome back!
It sucks to hear about your leg, I hope you get better soon, but it seems like your writing skills are the same as always. Thanks for the chapter!
As a extra note, I remember that in Maizono's FTEs, she liked reading books and had a preference over western culture, so I'd say her characterization is pretty on spot.
The Overlord of Ice chapter 24 . 9/23/2019
Hey welcome back, I'm happy for your return, not so much about the broken leg though...
Guest chapter 23 . 12/2/2018
Holy shit, fav Naezono fic back from the dead!
Glad to hear you’re continuing another 10 chapters- it isn’t easy to write this much with the focus given, let alone 4x this amount. Loved this story, kind of blended the two characters’ personalities together. Wonder if there’ll be any darker stuff later.
Langas chapter 23 . 12/1/2018
Adorable chapter
MrClikk chapter 23 . 11/26/2018
Hey welcome back !
I'm surprised to find you updating your fic (in a good way). I always enjoy reading your oneshots even if it is about the same ship it is always refreshing and you come up with something original to make it stand out. Ok I realise now why you had such a hard time finding new ideas.
Don't worry about you lowering the number of chapter (100 chapters sound awesome but in reality it seems incredibly hard to write without it being plain and boring, especialy since there's not a lot of material from the game). I'll still enjoy reading what you will post next.

Have a good day (mine is already good after reading your chapter).
Fallenstreet01 chapter 23 . 11/25/2018
Welcome back!
You won't believe this but I just thought of your fic yesterday.
Man, I liked this one, not only because it's the talentswap I was hoping for since almost a year ago, but also because it felt emotionally loaded that it made me feel like smiling!
Also, I gotta say I'm feel a tiny bit disappointed that you lowered your number from 100 to 33, but realistically speaking, writting a hundred of chapters about the very same couple was unbelievable to begin with, so I can't really blame you for that.
Still, I'll be looking forward for the last ten chapter of this incredible proyect!
A Lucky Soldier chapter 23 . 11/25/2018
I know exactly what you feel about this; I'm trying to come up with something for these two as well and I'm just thinking "What do I even write? Where do I even start?" ):

Anyways while reading this chapter, I had to move from my main computer to my laptop in my room just because of how stupid I looked to everyone else. I really enjoyed this and I'm definitely looking forward to the next one :)
LizzyLovesPink chapter 22 . 9/23/2018
Okay, I’m like super late...but these are honestly some of the best MakotoxSayaka one-shots I’ve ever read in my life. It’s such an underrated ship and when I found this fic, I read it for an entire day. I love the theme of the different words and how some stories are connected and how you even managed to tease a bit of KyokoxChihiro...aaaah everything is so perfect! The writing is really beautiful too! I think my favourite chapters are fifteen, nineteen, and twenty-one, but they were all fantastic! Just...ugh I wish I wasn’t so late in finding this absolute masterpiece! I still have hope that one day, you will come back and finish it.
MrClikk chapter 22 . 4/24/2018
Hey !
Just writing a quick review, I really like these little stories you wrote. You manage to express a lot of different emotions from romance, fluff, nostalgia, angst, etc ...
I hope to see more stories in the futur.
dippytrippy122 chapter 22 . 3/23/2018
This 'story', or collection of stories I guess is the more apt way of putting it, is phenomenal. In my opinion, the character of Sayaka is hardly ever explored past a surface level of someone who 'betrays your trust' in the first chapter of the game. I love how you took two characters who canonically had crushes on one another and actually came up with realistic situations for them to act out their affections for one another. The dialogue and descriptions especially were superb and while I'm generally not a fan of compilations of this style I cannot deny how simply fantastic the writing and characterization are here. Honestly, I can't sing this fanfics praises enough. It made me go through a variety of different emotions that almost any other story on this site only managed to do at thrice this one's length. Keep up the great work when you get the time bud. Thanks for the entertainment :).
1995hzq chapter 22 . 8/16/2017
Can you write one up about Sayaka was mean and a bully to Makoto only to feel remorse and regret later on. Like she first was Ms Popular until a tragic incident left her abandoned by her cliche and Makoto is the only one to be there for her.
1995hzq chapter 22 . 7/1/2017
Whoa, its been so long. Anyway hooe to hear from you again soon.
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