Reviews for Come Back To Me - COMPLETE
sherryfanfic1999 chapter 9 . 2/3
OMG! What a cliffy! Great fic though. Loving it. I would have lost it if Ed told Roy he loved him. That would have made Roy bonkers. Damn, that would have done me in. Roy had made the boys family, and all that Ed did showed how much he really did love Roy. Well, for now, Roy has Al, but what is Edward up to? And how far is Truth going to make them wait? Will Ed and Roy get a second chance to be happy together?
I actually saw Roy as a brother, not as a dad. He let Edward get away with too much shit.
Quiet Ryter chapter 9 . 12/24/2016
Thanks for updating your story.:) These six chapters are awesome and cool.:) It's neat that Alphonse is okay and that Edward was able to bring two miracles to the house.:) The ending is awesome and cool.:)
Cutiepie120048 chapter 9 . 10/14/2016
Woah. I'm curious about the message but I loved it, though the beginning and climax 23rd a little confusing for me because of word choice and structure - but everything turned out alrighty!

Keep Up The Good Work~!
speedfanatic05 chapter 9 . 10/10/2016
A very abrupt ending but it satisfied the points that you presented- Ed's at peace now, Roy's alive, and Al has his body. It would be a bit more satisfying if we knew what the message was but life has to have some mystery, right?

Good work!
ImpossibleJedi4 chapter 9 . 10/10/2016
Awww that was a good ending. There's a cliffhanger, but not at the same time. I liked it!
DarkFlameFantasy chapter 9 . 10/10/2016
Wait are you actually ending it like that?
Like we will never know what was that something Ed sent the Colonel through Al? We won't see Al meeting the team, Ed’s funeral, nothing?
Are you planning for a sequel or is this seriously the ending? Coz no way! XD
Attackoneverything chapter 9 . 10/10/2016
That was wonderful! XD
Loved it XD
Hope too see more from you XD
Can't wait for more great stuff XD
ImpossibleJedi4 chapter 8 . 10/8/2016
Aw, did Al die too?
NYEAHHHH I can't handle the sads!
DarkFlameFantasy chapter 8 . 10/8/2016
No wayyyyyy, you can't just do that! You killed Ed, whyyyy :'(
This is one of the saddest stories I have ever read oh my God after all the suffering he went through he had to die ...
This was very very well written btw, loved it but I want Ed back XD ~DarkFlameFantasy
Brenne chapter 8 . 10/8/2016
NOOOO! Poor Ed! He's gone! That's so sad! Life is so unfair for the Elric brothers! I wonder what happens next! Looking forward to more! XD
speedfanatic05 chapter 8 . 10/7/2016
I was trying not to cry here but I failed.


Poor Ed- he'd already paid the price with his own life and still plagued by the nefarious color red. I'm glad though that Roy was there for his final moments and that Ed finally got to hear what he longed to hear. I'm pretty wrecked right about now.

And Al's gone too? Where'd he go?

I'm anxiously awaiting the epilogue.

Great work, as always!
Guest chapter 6 . 10/5/2016
*I don't know what to say the story is awesome but

Ed. Ima little worried? *
Silvershadowe chapter 7 . 10/5/2016
This is a really interesting idea, and actually has some good CrazyEd- it's hard to find!
I have two pleas- Don't make this Royed! I really like the parental thing you've got going!
Second, PLEASE UPDATE SOON! I want to know what happens when the colonel talks to Ed! PLEASE!
Love the story!
speedfanatic05 chapter 7 . 9/23/2016
Lord, when will Roy ever learn?

I get that he feels responsible but for just one moment could he consider the ramifications of acting hastily? He knows that Ed's not in his right mind and his method of confrontation- especially since he pretty much kicked Ed while he was down- isn't going to necessarily going to jibe in this situation. I kind of feel like this is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. If Ed's fractured mindset is any indication, I'm willing to wager that he makes another crucial mistake in his quest to make things right again, then where will that lead him?

It's a destructive cycle and unless someone stops the velocity, it's going to be one heck of a mess to clean up.

Great work, as always!
ImpossibleJedi4 chapter 7 . 9/20/2016
Ooooh... *follows*
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