Reviews for Your Tears Are Visible
Mi-chan Kizanami chapter 2 . 11/25/2016
This is so beautiful
it's bring tears to my eyes
especially the second chapter
kagami's concept of being strong and how he view kuroko is so precious, the way he describes it as a night sky is so beautiful.
and kuroko, he's so so strong because he's know what it like to be weak so he the one that understand the concept of being strong the most, his tears isn't weakness but it's resolution of doing better next time.
BabyNightmareLady chapter 2 . 8/8/2016
It's beautiful,thank you.
Voilz chapter 2 . 8/7/2016
Wow, this one is such a good read. It surely brings back so many feels.
I hate how some fanfics describe how weak Kuroko's mind is which is served for the angst. No, Kuroko is much more than that. Kuroko is the very definition of being strong. He may be the weakest, he may look weak, but he has the strongest mind which can compare to a master's. Since Kuroko is the weakest, he is also the one who understands the concept of "being strong" most. Seirin eventually becomes the strongest team because they has the 'strongest' player. I love how other characters come to respect Kuroko, and how Kagami appreciates Kuroko for making him realize what being strong really means.
Chaos Twin of Destruction chapter 2 . 8/7/2016

The feels bomb is just hard on this one T-T Great chapter and ending. Couldn't have done it better myself *wipes tears from eyes*

I shall go live happily now thinking about how much people have accepted Kuroko (especially Kagami)

/rolls away
ZeroInfinity24 chapter 1 . 7/11/2016
Good Job! If this is not a oneshot please continue this!
SakuraKoi chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
So good.
BabyNightmareLady chapter 1 . 7/10/2016
Really beautiful,I like it.