Reviews for A Leap from the Shadows
LowkeyLoveSuckingDick chapter 5 . 9/1/2016
it's good, but George really needs to learn how to fight. Also do you want him to be a lance user? what class would he be right now, a soldier? would that upgrade to halberdier? How is he going to get his story straight? well I'm looking forward to the Next chapter. p.s. if a guy is aesthetically pleasing, anyone would, whether to admire or to ogle, it depends on the person :P
Death to Original Naming chapter 2 . 8/27/2016
I kinda predicted that the kid was going to die. I wasn't expecting it to be in this chapter or anything but him dying was sort of predictable. He had traits that pointed him out for the role of a scapegoat; honest, trusting, friendly, and kind of gullible. I figured it would've gone something on the line of mc meets ma, mc goes off, he follows mc to make sure mc makes it there safely, they get hit by bandits, he dies so that mc can live. Being left on the road without anyone to guide him/ being without directions, the mc would've gone through the initial development into the fire emblem world. The chapter ended pretty close to this... There's really no point in this long review, I just wanted to point that out.
Nice writing so far. There's barely any grammatical mistakes and what I did noticed is too minuscule to motivate my inner grammar nazi into taking action. The pacing is nice and the length also gives the mice little bonus.

Thx 4 writing~!
Chimebelle chapter 4 . 8/16/2016
Before I say anything else, I want to say you are amazing for writing such long chapters. My stories' chapters are usually around one thousand words. Really, it's amazing.

George was able to predict things... Well, with this track record, I don't think that this ability of his will be kept secret for long. Is he going to play, I'm also kindof like Marth-Lucina path and say he is from the future or say that he is a diviner? According to Fredrick, George should say the least plausible answer if he wants to be more Though, comming from a faraway land that he doesn't name and asking if they have tomatoes don't speak highly for a likely story either. In my opinion, it's even more of a stretch then amnesic that excells in tactics and capable in swordplay&magic, but to each his own~. And oh god, seriously? They just dump poop there? I don't know much of European history, but I know that in some places, they gathered poop in a room and made fertilizer with it because they were primarily a farming country... You just broke my idealitic image of Ylisse. Just, dumping. So unhygienic. Anyways~ Really enjoyed it!
LowkeyLoveSuckingDick chapter 4 . 8/11/2016
Awesome as always and you definitely made me decide to keep following this story. Looking forward to the next chapter.
NekoPantera chapter 4 . 8/11/2016
What do you mean, nobody died at the end? Because I died laughing XD

Jokes aside, again I enjoyed reading this chapter. The humor that was tossed in there was great. And I also have to agree on your opinion of people not being entirely good or bad. Everyone has his good side and his bad side and I'm glad to see that showing in this story.

You know the drill, keep up the good work.

Love Neko
Raiden312 chapter 4 . 8/11/2016
Well that was a nice chapter.

At least George is off to a pleasant start, if you call being nearly strangled by Frederick and nearly dying by a Risen a pleasant start. Hopefully he learns quickly...cause things are likely to go south.

Still Frederick will always be the wary man with a stick up so far some place it makes you wonder how he can even bow. But we all love and are annoyed by him...

Nice sense of realism, even though it's a fantasy world, there still has to be some sense of physics. Or laws of that someway at least. Though kinda sad their using chamber pots...would also be funny if earlier civilizations had actual plumbing.

Kinda like with the Romans, and medieval Europe somehow lost the knowledge for sanitation.

...Emmeryn...what a sad fate...yet was a true symbol of peace. Despite her stubbornness and naivety, she was a good one...and through a certain action. She showed her world that peace can be achieved...

Hopefully there's a small chance to alter her fate...she can't always go reverse Lelo-never mind that last part.

Looking forward to what was in store.

On to the next.


PS: Odd on how my story updated around the same time your's did. Coincidence? Yeah pretty much...just thought it was kinda funny.
Raiden312 chapter 3 . 8/5/2016
Well this is quite good...

Hopefully George will learn how to survive, cause there will come a time where he'll have no choice but to fight. Though it makes me wonder what weapon he'd use...there are a few possibilities for him. But that all depends on him...

Still, rather sad about the village, though it's likely that it's not the last of that Wyvern rider. In the future he just be encountered again later on...wonder how George will react to that. Desire for vengeance? Or sadness and seeking some form of closure? Or something else entirely...

Nice touch on the merciful bandit, shows the grayness of those particular groups. Not all are blood lustful monsters...they all have their reasons...

Still pretty good so far, can't wait for what is in store.

On to the next.

Chimebelle chapter 3 . 8/4/2016
George is certainly getting loads of help isn't he? It's a miracle everyone is so nice to him. Sam was, well, an unbelievable angel. George thought he was well, dumb and stupid, (which is understandable but still) and most people can catch that and would probably dislike that. But not Sam. He even ended up giving up his life for this stranger- and the bandit! Oh, and Chrom. But he's given, I guess? For George's sake, I hope his luck doesn't end at least until he can handle himself. Still enjoyed it. What class would he choose? Is it required to be a villager? Can he learn magic? Can't wait for Fredrick and George interactions. And George using his foreknowledge to help out. I wonder if he'd be able to keep such secrets from characters like Robin, (later Lucina), Fredrick, Miriel...
Chimebelle chapter 2 . 8/4/2016
Oh my god. I really never had high hopes when I first clicked this, but you really hooked me in. You are a great writer. I loved Sam, and god, it's already past tense isn't it? Just, wow. I'm keeping this short because I can't wait to read the next chapter!
LowkeyLoveSuckingDick chapter 3 . 8/3/2016
Another amazing chapter! You should be proud that you can write three fantastic chapters consecutively. I don't mind people improving chapters, but I need to believe it to see on how exactly you can improve such wonderful chapters already. This was an already interesting story for the game and your twist to it is both intriguing and realistic. I could go on and on about how amazing this story is, but I don't want to spam you :P. Well with all of that aside, I definitely look forward to the next chapter, because who wouldn't want to read more of this bombass story? :D
NekoPantera chapter 3 . 8/3/2016
I'm curious to know how you're going to get your character to stay with the Shepards. So far he doesn't really have a usefull ability for them. Maybe you already have something figured out, but I thought that was something to think about.
Either way, I very much enjoyed reading this chapter, even if you're not really proud of it yourself.
Also you mentioned that you will try to improve the previous chapters, I advice against that. If you really want to I'm not stopping you, but this was your first fanfic wasn't it? Then you shouldn't worry to much about improving the chapters you've already written, just try to learn from the feedback you get. You could use this story for learning and then afterwards, you can make even a better story or rewrite this one.
But that is just my opinion. You can do whatever you want with this advice, it's your story, you are in charge.

As Always, keep up the good work.

Love Neko
LowkeyLoveSuckingDick chapter 2 . 8/1/2016
Awesome Story! Was the town donnels village or was it based on something else? Cant really say anything bad about this chapter, that was an awesome awakening for George, coughcough Look forward to the next chapter.
LowkeyLoveSuckingDick chapter 1 . 8/1/2016
Wow, holy shit! Definitely not a bad start especially this being your only story. I've only noticed one grammar mistake in this chapter, which is pretty fucking impressive for a beginner. You just forgot to add a word somewhere, but nevertheless you have a very interesting story.
Valigarmanda chapter 2 . 7/27/2016
The feels hit me in the gut, that makes two of my ships sinking in one dayAnyway, nice chapter. Keep writing!
Stryker Gryphus chapter 2 . 7/26/2016
This. Is. Fucking. AMAZING.
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