Reviews for Falling Stars
Guest chapter 35 . 7/11
Great chapter!
Caver Floyd chapter 36 . 4/22
In part 3 chapter 5, Luke tells Han that his father was a Jedi and a general in the Clone wars after he revealed his Force ability escaping the Imperials. If you really are wanting to change it so that Luke doesn't know, that will have to be changed.

To be honest, I can understand Chewie and Kitster not saying anything about Luke's mother, because that information isn't really necessary or relevant. I can also understand not saying anything about his father really being a Jedi because Chewie doesn't yet know if Luke himself knows he's force-sensitive. However, after it is revealed that Luke does know he has the Force, there is no reason to keep from him that his father is a Jedi. Chewie could have apologized for lying and say that he was doing it to protect Luke. There is no difference in the amount of danger between being force-sensitive and being the son of a Jedi. Both are proscribed by the Empire. In this newest chapter, Luke sort of makes a fool of himself by insisting on the spice-navigator thing.

I'm perfectly fine with Leia not knowing that Luke is her brother. Although Leia would have to not know that Anakin is her father for that to work. I guess what I'm trying to say is that some parts of your change make sense, but some parts really don't.
Amilyn chapter 36 . 4/22

CARLIST! Let Leia talk to Carlist!

This chapter! Like seeing the video! More more more... (I rarely do that, but, OH I WANT IT NOW!)

I LOVE Luke looking in the records. I love it. I love the descriptions of him sinking into the Force, listening. I love Luke repeating, repeating...because it's SO MUCH to take in!

I love that Chewie and Carlist are TALKING.

They're SO CLOSE to the pieces coming together, to being connected to the Rebellion, to knowing what's needed. So. Close. I'm SO EAGER for those puzzle pieces to click in for them.
1saaa chapter 36 . 4/22
Damn your on a roll.

I have to confess I've completely forgotten where leia is right now.
Amilyn chapter 35 . 4/20
Polis Massa.
It's where Luke and Leia were born.
Their records are there.
I KNEW it sounded familiar!
Amilyn chapter 35 . 4/20
Oh. So. Good.

Wait...I have no idea what medical facility this is.

Is it Home One?

Medical facility...asteroid this the wreckage of Alderaan? Is this the asteroid field with the asteroid with the space dinosaur? I have NO idea.

Oh. No. Is it the "medical facility" that Leia's in?

I DO like how DIFFERENT Leia is, her fears, her willingness to ditch's nice work and it's interesting.
Caver Floyd chapter 35 . 4/20
I know where they are. Nice to see another chapter so soon. I wonder if Han talked to Chewie about stuff Force users can do and suspected that Luke would be good at sabaac, and was kind of using Luke for some easy money.
Guest chapter 35 . 4/20
Another wonderful chapter, I love what you've written so far, poor Han and poor luke and Leia still separated just wondering though does Luke have a twin bond with Leia or do luke and Leia share a diad bond. What are the limitation of Luke and Leia powers? When will the emperor find about luke? Does vader already know about luke?
Metal1loves chapter 35 . 4/20
I'm so glad you're continuing this story! Its been so long since updates I thought you had abandoned it, but I'm glad I was wrong. Leia and Luke killing it at sabbac is my favorite thing they really are the dream team and complement each other so well in your writing. Honestly I have no idea where they are but I hope they are near Leia, though I guess that's a stretch I know. I also really didn't expect Han to get hurt because of how often the main cast is portrayed as invincible, but we love the suspense and tension! I hope we get another chapter soon. Thanks for making quarantine a bit more bearable!
1saaa chapter 35 . 4/20
It seems Luke is going to where it all started for him. Literally.

Looking forward to the next one
Jharker31 chapter 35 . 4/20
Just wow!
Amilyn chapter 34 . 4/19
What a lovely part!

Luke and Leia working together, how ASTUTE Leia is...I love that the fact that Luke is Force sensitive is now full knowledge of everyone.

LOVED Han talking about playing Anakin and Obi-Wan, and loved all the bits about searching for Hokar.

Nice action work with the ship escaping atmo and he Star Destroyer.

I'm so hear for them to get Leia out and for Han and Chewie to meet her!
TheRoadtoHell666 chapter 34 . 4/19
It’s nice seeing a new chapter from you, I’ve missed this story. I love Han, Luke and Chewie’s interactions in this chapter, and how Luke swings between trust and distrust of them. I really like how their relationships with each other are developing, and how natural it seems.

Have fun writing!
Guest chapter 34 . 4/19
Love this chapter, nice to see you've updated again, poor luke thinking he will dumped back on tattonine, poor leia still stuck in the cell, I wonder how the emperor and Darth Vader are going to react to the existence of Luke, do they already know that luke is leia twin or will the emperor find out after luke rescues Leia?
Caver Floyd chapter 34 . 4/17
Nice to see another chapter.
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