Reviews for The Code
Effie17 chapter 3 . 5/8
Great ending.
wotumba1 chapter 3 . 4/14/2019
gotta love their brotherhood and how they are always there for each other
laureleaf chapter 3 . 4/2/2019
Great story with excellent lessons well-executed. Loving reading all of your stories btw, even if I don’t comment them all.
sorrellkaren chapter 3 . 2/18/2017
d'Artagnan's revenge was not what he expected. It had been more for himself than for Athos. He didn't know what to do so he let anger and grief overpower him. This happens way to often even today and can be an easy mistake to make. Thank God Aramis was there to still the terrible hurt that threatened to destroy the boy's mind. If anyone had actually died this story would have been much darker. The fact that d'Artagnan had not dealt with his fathers death left him vulnerable to the effects of revenge. It also left him unable to cope with the pain of lose again when he saw Athos fall. He learned a valuable lesson in all this and was welcomed into a brotherhood of men who knew all to well his pain. Blessing or curse each had their own demons to wrestle, but never at the cost of a brothers needs. One for all.
Hawaiichick chapter 3 . 12/4/2016
What a great story! I love that Aramis and d'Artagnan get to have a brotherly moment in the church. Love the insight to why they are the Inseparables. It makes me think deeper about their brotherhhod and how they are the "missing" family for each other. Very sweet.
Hawaiichick chapter 2 . 12/3/2016
I love the mentor/mentee relationship shown. It's not featured in too many stories, and makes your stories very special. And of course, you're just such a great writter every chapter is a treat to read.
Hawaiichick chapter 1 . 12/3/2016
It's always a treat to envision Athos display his superiority with a sword. As always your writting is perfection. Thank you so much for this!
Runner043 chapter 3 . 9/19/2016
Just finished reading your story, enjoyed it very much.
MerryLittleMess chapter 3 . 8/28/2016
Wow! This would have made for a great script for an episode. Very well done!
SpaceCowboy chapter 1 . 8/16/2016
Nice story. You have good insight into the characters, especially Aramis and how he was watching the others. A few POV issues that confused the story, but nothing too distracting. The ending seemed to be missing a bit of a 'punch', but then, sometimes subtly is good. For a 'revenge' themed story you did very well. I enjoyed it.
MusketeerAdventure chapter 3 . 8/3/2016
Really enjoyed your story; and thought this final chapter was great! d'Artagnan came awfully close to losing himself here. You did a great job of showing how revenge just sort of consumes you. Lucky for him, Aramis was there to remind him of their "code". Thanks for sharing this with us.
GingietheSnap chapter 3 . 7/28/2016
This was marvelous. I can't believe you packed all of that in only three chapters. Aramis was the perfect person to rescue poor D'artagnan, in my mind, because of the kindness and compassion that is part of his nature.
GingietheSnap chapter 2 . 7/28/2016
Really, really good. I loved the explanation of the motto/code. Poor D'artagnan experiencing deja vu is heartbreaking. And now Aramis going after him is very exciting! Off to the next chapter!
Deana chapter 3 . 7/28/2016
Excellent ending! I wish I had a friend like Aramis! (He'd be more than just my 'friend' though...LOL!)
Issai chapter 3 . 7/28/2016
Beautiful! I loved every word of this story.

I liked the moon which looked over angry grieving d'Artagnan. The boy's despair was heartshattering.

You described the fight wonderfully. I could see the anger and soul suffer in every Gascon's attack.
Fortunately Aramis did not let him to kill a man who asked for his mercy. Even if he had been guilty in that moment he should have been arrested not killed.

Nice bluff Aramis. Fortunately it worked!

I loved the chapel and Aramis asking God for forgiveness. The idea of the list of transgression made me laugh.

I loved his talk with d'Artagnan. I could see his darl full of compassion and warmth eyes. His profound friendship and understanding.

Athos won't be happy with Porthos' stitches if Aramis assessment is true
Beautiful story!
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