Reviews for More than Skin Deep
thepinkmartini chapter 10 . 12/27/2018
Loved it! Also loved the fact that Hitomi got to meet Eva! Wonderful story and you tied things nicely. Thank you for writing this .
thepinkmartini chapter 9 . 12/27/2018
Ah their children are so cute! Love this ending! They deserve a happy one after all the pain they went through.
thepinkmartini chapter 8 . 12/27/2018
*sighs in relief* So glad they got married in the village of Arzas. It's definitely a more fitting type of ceremony as opposed to one filled with fanfare. And Merle embracing Hitomi in the end! That was unexpected, but a very pleasant surprise nonetheless.
thepinkmartini chapter 7 . 12/27/2018
Yukari saves the day! Hitomi really needed that wake up call. Interesting take on the effects of repeated contact with the pillar of light. This is the first Escaflowne fic I've read that took that route. Very interesting indeed!
thepinkmartini chapter 6 . 12/26/2018
OMGGGGGG INTERNALLY SCREAMING AT THE LAST PART! Okay. I gotta calm down. Anyways, I kinda want to whack Merle in the head for being so harsh with Hitomi, but at the same time, I know it’s her sisterly instinct taking charge. Poor Hitomi though. To see and feel so many things with a single touch must be a nightmare. I hope there’s some sort of solution to this dilemma.
thepinkmartini chapter 5 . 12/26/2018
Hitomi’s first day back in Fanelia and she already gets into trouble lol. Loved it! And your writing style is soooooo good. I love the way you write both Van and Hitomi. Their actions and words are always in character.
thepinkmartini chapter 4 . 12/26/2018
I LOVE IT! Loved the awkwardness between Van and Hitomi. Now I'm dreading what Merle's reaction will be to Hitomi's return.
thepinkmartini chapter 3 . 12/26/2018
Beautiful chapter! I'm glad Folken got through to Hitomi. Now let's see if she'll follow through.
thepinkmartini chapter 2 . 12/26/2018
Damn. This is quite depressing. Such a heavy subject. Written beautifully though.
Vhosek chapter 10 . 12/14/2017
This story was simply amazing and it really was a great read. There were moments that made me laugh and ones that caused me to shed a few tears but through it all was a beautiful tale of love! Watching Hitomi grow and change to get where she is just leaves me happy in how things finally turned out for them all! Thank you!
40four chapter 1 . 9/7/2017
10 chapters later and I'm still hung up on the shirt design so Van's wings don't rip it. Oh dear why has nobody else thought about this before?! No really I'm sorry but wow I don't know why I'm so hung up on it. The story is amazing. I love the thought you put into where her powers came from and what life is like for her on earth. Also, the description of how Hitomi feels Merle are dead on. It makes so much sense given her personality. Honestly I for some reason was hoping Eva would end up with Merle and that would also explain her outrage at Van entertaining the thought of choosing Eva. But the actual ending is sweet too. I binged the whole story yesterday on the beach, at the bar, ignoring almost everybody. It was blissful!
Guest chapter 10 . 8/20/2017
I feel hooked and sad reading your just so heavy that Hitomi have to fo through that experiences but im really how it turned out the other way around.
pinkdynamite chapter 10 . 3/31/2017
Such a beautiful ending! I loved watching the characters grow to become stronger people, both together and apart. Thank you for a great read! :)
Meghanna Starsong chapter 10 . 3/6/2017
Awww...what a nice bonus! I like that Eva and Caine wind up together, and that everyone can have their happily ever after. That's super sweet! I was proud to beta this story; it was so thoughtful and interesting. Now, onto Surface Tension!
Meghanna Starsong chapter 9 . 3/2/2017
Oh, my goodness! Those little Fanels! 3 3 3 They are soooo cute! *fangirls* I can imagine they are going to keep Van and Hitomi on their toes. I've said this already, but great idea for putting the spirits to rest. Maybe that was even the reason for her phantasmal visitors on Earth to begin with - how to help others like them to sleep. Super glad to see a happy ending. _
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