Reviews for Movie Mode
ASL chapter 1 . 8/11
When are you going to update? I really want to see what’s going to happen in the next chapter.
Guest chapter 115 . 7/26
OK does this mean that some Sorabriel (Soren x Gabriel) will be seen or not (I won't be disappointed if not) :)
Guest chapter 115 . 7/26
The newest chapter of Movie mode was seriously phenomenal, but are you going to update Crooked Clockwork?
celestine15 chapter 115 . 7/22
(I know this is going to be a long comment so prepare yourself XD)

Okay. So I ran out of fics one day (probably the day before yesterday? Or something?) and I decided to explore dead, small fandoms that I actually love (y'know, Turbo and Cars and some Disney films and MCSM among other things like that-you get the point) and guess what-I found this! And it's a watching type (which I absolutely love)! And the most important thing, iTs StIlL uPdAtInG! Thank you for bringing us this masterpiece.

And so I click your profile and checked and you know what? Man, we are basically in all the same fandoms! (this sentence must has some grammatical errors) Like Harry Potter? MCU? Movies like Big Hero, ROTG, HTTYG and really cool things like that and even MCSM? Dude that was so freaking awesome. And you ideas are all amazing! Like watching the movies, dark trios, teamwork, Tom and Severus and-you know, I can't really explain the style of my "favor" but it's basically the same. (Except that I don't like hurt/comfort too much but that's my personal problem of not wanting to see characters being hurt) And another even more incredible thing: there's this writer on Ao3 who is basically really like you-we are in the same fandoms (MCU, Harry Potter, Sherlock and Hamilton etc) and she has really super long stories and replies to every single bit of our reviews bit by bit just like you...
Not comparing you guys! But I'm like really amazed by those wonderful coincedences.

Okay. On to the story part-
I'm a little bit curious: so we had the "order and Ivor" arc, the Aiden arc, Cassie arc, Harper, and then parents arc and Hadrian (which I think we are almost ending now? Is it true?) arc, and what's next? Is it Romeo? And then the monsters? And I think that although Jesse and friends are fine for now they are not completely, so I hope that we could have a therapy and trauma dealing and bonding arc before the whole mansion figuring grand final thing or at least proceed during it.

Aaand next thing (told you it would be long, I'm sorry though), so in my school we have a class and we do councils (you might have heard of it) in which we just sit very comfortably, turn off the lights except a candle (okay it's very comfy, unlike those horrible stories which had me afraid to go into the bathroom) and take turns to reflect on ourselves, the relationship we had with each other and the world and our stories/emotions etc., and basically it's a very bonding and heartwarming activity where we all grow and learn (okay this wording is getting weird) and I was thinking that maybe you could include an episode for that in the story in which our characters reflect on their journey of watching from day 1? I know that some characters are definitely not open for confessions and discussing emotions but I really, really hope that we do that once at least before everyone leaves and you know, this amazing (and creepy, horrible but that's not the point) bonding journey is forgotten ;(
Usually we chat for a while and then we come up with questions and take turns to answer and relfect/connect. At the end we have a "hotspot" thing where we take turns to sit in the middle of the circle and other people ask you (deep) questions.
So can we do that (without the interruption of mansion mysteries)? *Starry eyes*?

One final thing! (I'm so sorry) So Mevia asked Hadrian if "something good would come out of this watching" and I was hoping that we have this uhm, redemption character revelation and all that stuff (sorry, this is really confusing and I hope you get what I mean) about how "we could change things and become a better person (doesn't have to be exactly those words-some of them would never admit it)"?

Okay. This is really longer than I myself had expected and sorry if it took you a long time to read this. Nevertheless, thank you SO much for giving us this and I'm very much looking forward to the next chapter!
Pen chapter 115 . 7/10
I can't help but feel like i follow this fic because of stockholm syndrome. It's been so many yearssss i just wanna see it finish so i can finally move on xD
Parakeetlover3 chapter 115 . 7/8
As much as I REALLY don't like Hadrien(did I spell his name right?), I think its pretty cool that you are making him seem a bit more 'human'. I just realized, when he comes out of the passage ways with an unconsious Cassie, things probably won't end well for him. Poor Hadrien (now that's something I never thought I'd say) I can almost here the clock ticking, "Vos" will be revealed soon. Poor Jack. (I feel like someone might try to punch Romeo)
Also, who are your favorite villans to write about in MCSM?
Any other tips on keeping motivation?
TheAmberShadow chapter 115 . 7/5
*looks at chapter title* Well that's not ominous at ALL.
Poor Cassie. Poor everyone really.
Huzzah! Jesse's alive! Now the others don't have to test the respawn with Hadrian!
Was Jesse the only one to get a death vision/dream thing?
When did the sun come up again? I can't remember, I need to reread this story some time.
Question. Did he fall in the trap because he was trying to get away from everyone, or did someone throw him down there on purpose?
... Bonding? Does-does this count as bonding? Do we cheer for that? Oh no, never mind, there's arguing and serious injury, no cheering.
People are going to think he hurt her, aren't they? Especially since his chains are broken and they probably don't know where he went.
... I really want to stay far away from that, but I unfortunately probably need it. How do you get it?
You stay safe too.
Potato chapter 115 . 7/4
aAaAH I’m hErE
This chapter was sad and happy and scary and my feels are confused but thank you very much for updating and I am very tired
Grammar has deserted me and for that I apologize
You do amazing work amigo keep it up
littleclevergem123 chapter 115 . 7/4
I hope Cassie is ok! And wow, Hadrian cared about her? That’s surprising
jessicanightmarewolf chapter 115 . 7/3
The sheer happiness i felt when i saw this update...
So, do more people know about Monster-Fred? or are they talking about another monster? im a little confused there.
Hadrian and Cassie? sign me the hell up! Awwww, Hadrian does care!
Great chapter as always and keep up the amazing work!
Moka Cocoa chapter 115 . 7/3
Yo Cassie was NOT having a good time. Also, that write or die thing sounds terrifying? My anxiety spiked, just reading about it-
Northern Goshawk chapter 115 . 7/3
Well. At least Hadrian's trying to make sure Cassie's okay.

That was a... great turn of events.

Wait... if Hadrian finds a way to get them out and turns up with an unconscious Cassie in his arms...

Oh dear.

Welp, good luck to him!

You stay safe too!
Ariza Luca chapter 115 . 7/3
Ooooof, poor Cassie. Stuck with Hadrian jfkdasfj;asfj;sa (he's not that bad but still... big oof for her haha)
Moka Cocoa chapter 114 . 7/1
Ominous, I love it-
Potato chapter 114 . 6/12
Did I not notice this updated? Am I okay? Do I have a problem? Hey, at least I noticed it finally XD
Nothing much to say except yeesh. Poor Jesse XD
Things are getting sPicY
Great chapter as always! XD
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