Reviews for Identity Search
AnAncientBard chapter 4 . 5/3
Thanks for the recommendation, this was certainly worth the read. Nice to see where the inspiration, though I guess not the direct source of Nadeshiko in your Conan story came from.
I really enjoyed how Nabiki's introspection at the end of the story especially.
Stone Elbow chapter 4 . 2/5
Love this story. It reminds me of some of those moments from my own teenage years where I had a moment of epiphany and introspection and thought, "Wow, I wouldn't have thought of it that way a year ago. Is this what it mean to grow up?"
guest chapter 3 . 11/23/2018
In the story with the exemption coconut and the haircut rule, I thought Ranma was shown in a sarong, not a swimsuit.
BiGDeal chapter 4 . 4/5/2018
I. find that this is the third time that I've come and read the story. Please update as it is quite good and pushes the characters.
SomebodyLost chapter 4 . 9/10/2017
Very well-written. Although I crave for answers at the end, leaving the mystery of whether Nabiki will let the status quo continue or end for selfish or selfless reasons - or both - was a reward of its own. Hopefully, someone (or you) will answer that. Or not. It simply feels like a buildup to a great character arc for the Ice Queen. :D

Still, this is very great. I love that Ranma can have some sort of break from the Madness, and the question of Identity from Nabiki's perspective. And the canon events can quite be twisted to make him devious, eh?

Also, you demonstrated quite well that Nabiki is quite lonely, without explicitly saying it, with only having Business Associates and yen as the transformer. Yet none of that counted when she was alone with three punks in the backstreets. And she still hasn't found answers who Nabiki is, or what Ranma thinks now that someone knows about his secret. It adds more complexity since Ranma is proven to be more shrewd than ever. As I said, great potential for more, hehe.

Thanks for writing!
beege chapter 4 . 8/9/2017
Interesting. The idea of Ranma seeking an escape from his life (or even walking away from it outright) that involved very different behavior isn't exactly new in this fandom, but this is a nice, thoughtful exploration of the idea. Honestly, of all the unrealisms in Ranma, one of the most glaring to me is that Ranma never does say 'screw it all' and just walk away to make a fresh start. The only weak point really is the heavy handed repetition of 'Who is Nabiki?' in the last chapter, but that's a small complaint about a story that's clever and quite elegant.

One other thought - I'd say that the change to a hostess club is actually crucial to the story's success. If Ranma were just adopting a shallow, flighty persona for a maid cafe that wouldn't be much different from the temporary female personas he adopts in canon. There wouldn't be the same level of confusion and surprise that there is here for Nabiki (and for the reader) and such a shallow act wouldn't demonstrate a complex and multifaceted personality for Ranma in the way Nadeshiko does here.

In short, I liked this a lot, and not just because I'm a sucker for 'Ranma is smart playing dumb' stories.
Ozzallos chapter 1 . 6/25/2017
I'm pretty speechless here. This is an excwptional fic that is just as much about nabiki as it is ranma and what their future holds. Its extremely tight from start to finish and without resorting to hyperbole, a standard by which others are judged. The case for ranmas ability to lie almost comes across as an attempt at overt justification, but is quite acceptable given the characters disbelief and fanon in general.

Damn fine work.
RadicalErin chapter 4 . 5/20/2017
That was goddam amazing. Something about the style and the tone just ... made it work. The repetition was key. It really reminded me of FLCL, with the town where nothing new ever happens. Do ... more of/like this.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/22/2017
Enjoyed it a lot. I've read a lot of fanfiction, and, atypically, I had to leave you some praise. Well done. My unanswered question is where did Ranma practice to be able to work there? He would need a mentor.
ExtraSavoirFaire chapter 4 . 3/21/2017
That was a fun read. Thanks.
Guest chapter 4 . 1/20/2017
Thank you for a wonderful story.
Aoi Fhrey chapter 4 . 1/3/2017
Es uno de los mejores proyectos que he leído en estos años, la perspectiva de Nabiki es un estimulo más para leer la historia. La curiosidad de la reina de hielo es contagiosa al seguirla en su búsqueda de la verdad. Además de eso la parte filosófica de: ¿Quien eres tú? me parece exacta para justificar la existencia de Nadeshiko y el cambio de Nabiki. Una lástima no poder leer la evolución de Nabiki después de su "epifanía" pero cada autor marca sus limites.
En resumen una muy buena lectura.
Ellen Kuhfeld chapter 4 . 1/1/2017
You did WAY too much foreshadowing when Nabiki walked down familiar streets on autopilot. That's not something I'd expect from ANY Nerimite. She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, perhaps too secure in her imagined immunity. She's still spacing out while Ranma walks her home from the club, and walking automatically come the morning. Fanon Nabiki is too conscious for that. She should have been giving herself a quick kick in the tail about it, after her adventures.

The solid gold of the story, however, is in the fourth chapter, in the conversation that begins "Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be somebody else?" The fifth chapter you have left to us. If I were to write it, Nabiki would start paying more attention to the world, and especially to herself.

One of Terry Pratchett's witches was asked how to gain second sight. She replied that everybody had second sight; the real trick was learning FIRST sight. By that, she meant seeing what was there, rather than what we thought of what we saw. Nabiki has good second sight, but she needs desperately to work on her first sight.
irgendwas chapter 4 . 11/29/2016
Thank you for the story, I liked it a lot - not sure if I reviewed it before.
lord Martiya chapter 4 . 10/23/2016
This was one marvellous story. I hope to see if Nadeshiko will run... And if Nabiki ever answers the question.
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