Reviews for One to Speak and the Other to Listen
Guest chapter 1 . 8/4/2016
You did a good job!
Wahboop chapter 1 . 8/1/2016
This was really good! Bringing back Undergrowth was nice- he was such a powerful ghost that only one episode wasn't enough (much like Dan). I really like your writing style and the whole plot moved seamlessly. Thanks for adding this wonderful literature to the world!
Paradise-Whispers chapter 1 . 8/1/2016
Thanks for writing this! Your writing style is very nice and satisfying to read. I love AU fics where Danny and Sam aren't friends to start out, and this one did not let me down one bit. Good pacing and characterization also.

One thing I wish is that you would have provided more background information on Danny's past. Why is the Ghost Reign such a sore subject for him? Did something happen to his family? Where did all the ghosts go and why is Danny reluctant to be Phantom? While I feel as if this was intentional on your part and is awesome because it allows the reader engage more with the fic and draw their own conclusions (because I know I definitely did!), I would love to see your take on this past, because it definitely sounds interesting! Maybe a prequel, perhaps? ;)

Thanks for a great fic! Keep writing!
haunt-the-stars chapter 1 . 7/30/2016
Wonderful dynamics in this story. I really really enjoyed it. :)