Reviews for Taking Care of Business: Grey's Side
vickiel2r chapter 2 . 7/21
Christian's mind is full what he could with Ana in his playroom, if she ever have a submissive part in her body.
vickiel2r chapter 1 . 7/21
Christian meets the girl he thinks he can have fun with working for him. He is the CEO he can do anything with his company.
shellz71 chapter 24 . 7/13
wow amazing story cantvvwait to read more update soon please.
Guest chapter 24 . 6/30
I can't stand Ana. She's such a disgusting hypocrite. She tells Christian to fire Gia, but still insists on working with Jeremy. What a bitch. Christian deserves way better than her plain Jane, small tit, flat ass.
Guest chapter 23 . 6/30
I'm glad that playroom scene was a dream. Ana is an idiot if she would let Christian screw her in the room he fuxked other women in.
Guest chapter 22 . 6/30
Ana is such a damn bitch
Guest chapter 20 . 6/30
Ana is such a hypocritical brat.
Guest chapter 17 . 6/30
Ana is really annoying
Guest chapter 15 . 6/30
I'm surprised Christian isn't insisting that Ana go on both control, so he doesn't have to wear a condom. He didn't wear one with his subs.
leantired chapter 24 . 6/20
Hello I was loving u giving his side of things when are u finishing this story?
Fleur50 chapter 23 . 6/16
Quelle belle histoire vu par Christian. J’adore. RELECTURE...
Guest chapter 24 . 3/21
I’m liking how Christian is introducing more kink into their relationship, and knowing it doesn’t have to be restricted to the red room. It’s assuring to see one aspect of their relationship working very well, their sexual compatibility is perfectly matched. I’m looking forward to more intensity, and Christian incorporating more kinky play with Ana. I’m impressed that Ana can keep up with Christian’s insatiable sexual prowess, he’s a very vigorous lover.
Guest chapter 23 . 3/21
I’m impressed by Dom boyfriend Christian, certainly was in his element in the red room, but the struggle for control, discipline and not taking things too far with Ana will be Christian’s greatest challenge. I’m excited... the sex, the drama and Christian’s inner turmoil makes for very captivating reading.
Guest chapter 22 . 3/20
I love how Christian is exploring more positions with Ana, and giving her control and the confidence to be sexually uninhabited. It’s still very vanilla but there’s been progress. I love how Christian is always focused on pleasuring Ana when they fuck, it shows that he is a generous sexual partner, a good start, now it’s time to apply that their relationship Mr. Grey. I’m certainly looking to some activity in the Red Room of Pleasured Pain ;)
Guest chapter 21 . 3/20
I’m still waiting for Christian to become more adventurous with Ana, he’s a Dom, and a very experienced one at that, so I wonder how long he can keep it together with vanilla. I’ve been hoping to see him explore more positions with Ana; by varying the angle, depth and ferocity of penetration Christian can create very different sensations of vaginal pleasure. I’d also love to see Christian test Ana’s levels for pleasure and penetrative sex.
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