Reviews for Catch Them If You Can!
Conan.212 chapter 2 . 7/28
Ash tries to catch Sonic with a Pokeball?
That reminds me on this yt clip with racist Mario.
Idea chapter 19 . 7/24
They could drop them off Tails or all of them at a Pokemon Daycare and say they're taking them to daycare.

So, while they head over to it Tails sees a normal daycare with toys and outside equipment and gets excited, but that's not the one he's going to.

Harsh, but I don't know if a regular daycare for human children would take him in. Hopefully they would though, because he probably already ran away from their group to try to play.
ClawedIndecisive FanGirl chapter 19 . 7/24
Please continue!
Anonymous chapter 19 . 7/17
The ultimate Sonic question they should ask: "Why do the girls wear clothes, but boys don't? We can easily see your butt-holes..."
T420000 chapter 19 . 7/12
I've been away from FF for awhile but it was such a lovely surprise to see an update from this story! I absolutely love the concept and storyline. The characters are so well written ;) Poor Sonic, lol everyone always bullying him haha.
FanMic chapter 19 . 7/9
I can't believe I didn't get notified about the chapters. My email is broken, and if it wasn't for my curiosity I would've missed this story completely.

(along with others)
NightmareKnight1 chapter 19 . 7/9
So I'm curious. Exactly what type of world is Sonic from in this story? You made mention of things like Station Square and GUN, which makes me think of some sort of mix of the Sonic Adventure series and Sonic X. But you had Tails have a nightmare about "some brown haired kid who took up all Sonic's time" which makes me think Sonic X isn't quite right. You also refer to Eggman as Robotnik, which is more used in the comics/Sonic SatAM/Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (and is also Eggman's canonical grandpa I believe, depending on which source material you look at.

So I'm just kind of confused about what sort of world you're using for Sonic's origins in this.
AndTails chapter 19 . 6/19
A Review of Chapters 1-18:

I absolutely love this story! As a big fan of the Sonic and Pokémon franchises, I never knew a crossover fan fiction story quite like this would work so well, but Taranea made it happen!

The story is believable, suspenseful, wholesome, and hilarious, a difficult combination to pull off. The characters act, speak, and banter as they would in their respective canons, and the author does a fantastic job of portraying the protagonists’ personalities while placing them in new, creative, and engaging scenarios. I really enjoyed how the characters interacted with each other throughout; Ash rushing to battle Sonic at the beginning was classic Ketchum, Pikachu eventually warming up to Sonic after he saved his master’s life was sweet, and Professor Oak was hilarious as heck (I appreciated the “are you a boy or a girl” reference!). I thoroughly enjoyed it when Misty trolled Ash, and Amy’s dynamic with the water gym trainers was fun.

Knuckles was the perfect character to fight with Team Rocket; the echidna’s short fuse coupled with Team Rocket’s shenanigans blended very well together, and while the author indicated that they didn’t grow up with the English localization of Jesse and James’ Meowth from the Pokémon anime, they portrayed the talking cat very well nevertheless. Meowth’s unique accent was written on point.

And the heist scene was fantastic! The author was able to pull off a scenario where every character failed miserably while getting away relatively unscathed, devoid of punishment. They seamlessly transitioned between each character as they made their way through the museum, and the flow of events felt natural.

My personal favorite scenes were the ones featuring Tails and the Ninetales/Vulpix. The wholesome meter was off the charts! I loved how Ninetales brought Tails back to their cave to play with the Vulpix, the cooking scene was absolutely great, and the orange kitsune saving one of the Vulpix at the end was icing on the cake. UWU Here’s to hoping we see a Ninetales/Vulpix return later in the story (assuming it’d fit into the narrative, that is).

Overall, I couldn’t recommend this story enough to any Sonic or Pokémon fan. The story is memorable, the characters are fun, the writing is fantastic, and the cliffhangers kept me in suspense. Indeed, the story had me smiling and laughing throughout, and I look forward to the upcoming tournament arc!

P.S. I loved the chapter names, and the story thumbnail is super adorable!
ShazyWrites chapter 19 . 6/15
Ugh, I hate it when FanFiction clips out random parts of my reviews.
ShazyWrites chapter 19 . 6/15
Dang, I really like the comedy in this story! It's pretty well-balanced for such crossover (well we all know how, uh, comical Pokemon can getand I was literally waiting like forever for a new update! To the point that I completely missed this one. O !

But look! Sonic gets to enter a Pokemon tournament! So uh, when he fought, does he have to use the Pokemon moves, or make up new moves from his usual fighting style? Oh who am I kidding, we'll see how it goes in the next chapter I guess-

But keep up the good work! I love this! I'd love to see more! -ShazyWrites
MetalScizor chapter 19 . 6/4
I know this isn't about this fic, but I just read the bio and I just decided, "Eh, I can give my opinion on this kind of stuff, so why not?" So, for my favorite Sonic characters, number 1 is Silver The Hedgehog because you know, too many people hate him and he is very underrated but is extremely powerful, number 2 is Shadow because his character in Heroes is his best by far, yet he gets hate because of his game and 06. But it looks like he might be regaining his original characteristics in Forces, but... you know... Forces isn't a great time to have a good character when nearly everyone is useless in that game, and automation is the game, so yeah. Number 3 is Blaze the cat because she is a princess who actually does your fricken job, and actually is very authoritive. And finally is Metal Sonic. And for ships, well... I don't like any of the Sonic shipings because like I said, Sonic isn't really a character who stays in one places, because he is basically the wind. So shiping Sonic with anyone, ESPECIALLY SHADOW OR ROUGE OR KNUCKLES OR SILVER OR BLAZE OR SALLY OR SCOURGE because personally that isn't what Sonic The Hedgehog is. That's just disgusting with something like Sonadow. I'm sorry, it doesn't matter, pun intended, what anyone writes, if it has Sonadow or any ships, it isn't good for me. You can write fanfics like those, but if it is an adventure and say, mystery fic with a ship like that, it doesn't work like that. If you don't believe me yet READ SONIC BOOM: DAARK TAILS UNLEASHED ON DEVIANT ART! And you'll see. Anyway, I really am hopping you update soon! I promise you, it'll make my day, and you have so many reviews on this story alone! Once again, I read once chapy 20 or 19, is finished! Hope you well!
MetalScizor chapter 19 . 5/26
I have some great news! If you all probably remember from January of this year, there was a direct that said that Pokemon Sword and Shield's new DLC is comming next month! Personally, I'm pretty excited about this! There's going to be even more new Pokemon from passed generations, and some new ones! I know that people generally don't like Pokemon Sword and Shield for there pokedext situation, but to me, that doesn't mean there bad games! There's a lot of positives about them, and need I remind you that at first Sun and Moon didn't have all of the Pokemon neither, and no ones making a big deal as these games. But I'm not here to just talk about how good Sword and Shield are, and telling you all that the DLC is nearby! P.s: I'm also reviewing because I want this story to succesed! I believe that like with your Shadow First Class fic which is a great fic, good job author, can have the same amount of quallity for Catch them if you can, and this fic can have some what as many chapters as Life Could Have Been So Different! All I'm saying is, let's get ready for Sonic's first ever official Pokemon battle! My bet is that he'll win, but not without some clench moments!
Silvercoal chapter 19 . 5/25
Sonic’s... gonna a tounament?O.o

I sense disaster incoming... XD
lane the infinus chapter 19 . 5/22
hmm... this was kinda shorter than usual also pls sub to me on youtube i am lane the infinus also i have an idea can tails mistake a kirlia as cosmo and try to ask it out lol
MetalScizor chapter 19 . 5/21
I want to write two reviews in one day! But there's a reason why. It's just some quality of life things, but it's only about the characters. I will be your, well, not exactly Omochao. Not exactly because I won't be just as annoying as him! Anyway, to start off, let's talk about the blue blur. You don't have to do this, but it's just more familiar that Sonic should be, well, Sonic. He does one linears, he's cool, he is untamed, and he has no master! And about that last part, though, you should put this trait in the story. I know people would like Sonic and his friends to be ordered and to see what would happen, and as much as I would want that, that just isn't Sonic to do that. He is like the wind, uncontrolled, and he does things by his terms, so having him be ordered may be jaring. And he isn't so easily angered to, unless you count boom Sonic. And he isn't a weakling either, like other fanfic crossovers with Sonic and Pokemon would like to tell you. He is a power house with his speed and his moves like as I mentioned the spindash and homing attack. I hope you understand, and is might be a lot to ask for, but can you just consider it? I'd appreciate it if you did, even if you said no. But heck, you can also surprise me! So see ya in chapter 20, for like the 4th time I said that. Good day to ya!
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