Reviews for Future, Meet the Past
Moon143 chapter 21 . 7/17
Is there any coming sequel? Please i really love the your story please
NeverTooMuchInspiration chapter 21 . 7/5
Nicely done, a very fun read with some fantastic character interactions and reactions! Thank you for writing and posting!
crazzyredhead chapter 21 . 5/19
You could do squeal were luffy and ace Change the past
Guest chapter 20 . 3/3
Damn the feels
Guest chapter 21 . 11/2/2019
hope you put garp in there though ...
sacke110 chapter 21 . 10/23/2019
That was a lovely experience. Thank you for writing this.
sacke110 chapter 18 . 10/23/2019
Damn.. blackbeard, i thought it would be Garp.
sacke110 chapter 16 . 10/23/2019
And here enters Law, haha!
This is making me so emotional...
sacke110 chapter 10 . 10/23/2019
Is it really that much of a difference between Dressrosa Luffy and Akainu.. mmhm. He fought pretty evenly with Fujitora.
Other than that this works fine, it was an emotional moemnt.
sacke110 chapter 6 . 10/22/2019
The humor gets me every time.
Oh yea, Vivi and Robin.. not a great mix.
sacke110 chapter 3 . 10/22/2019
I personally don’t think Luffy would be so negative about the whole thing, but this works, it’s nice.
And here comes 2 more.
13thxenos chapter 21 . 10/13/2019
Well, I didn't like this. It was pointless in my opinion. It wasn't explained how changing the past would be terrible, especially because they already changed their past by being there and talking to their past selves.
But I'm glad that a lot of people seem to like it.
Tykle18 chapter 9 . 6/13/2019
The one who asked black leg why they have to leave should it not be uossp instead of sniper
Guest chapter 21 . 1/11/2019
This is a good fanfiction, but why was Trafalgar Law brought back when he had literally nothing to do with Ace or any real reason to feel guilty and yeah you say allies but it would have made far more sense for Jinbe to come back considering his bond with Ace and the fact that he was one of the more significant members of the War.
FlameSparks7 chapter 7 . 10/16/2018
Why keep the future secret? They already know plenty like Ace dying and new crewmates. May as well as go whole hog.

Future Sanji should have won. Any chef would experiment and with Luffy any failed one go to him plus 3 years experience. There is also attack cuisine he learnt.
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