Reviews for Between Walls and Harvest Moons
keeptheotherone chapter 1 . 4/28/2019
This is a beautiful, beautiful fic ... your Mum!Ginny had me crying. She's perfect, fierce and all heart and emotion with her babies. Her pain over Albus, the way she hurts simply because he's hurting-umph. Also, I love your adult Harry and Ginny!
Nyx028 chapter 1 . 5/8/2018
This story is wonderful and heartbreaking. It made me cry, for real. It's so great, you can feel how much Albus is feeling and I love how protective Ginny is to his little Al. Overall this story deserves a 11/10 rating. Good job!
Vincent FGS91 chapter 1 . 5/3/2018
I couldn't help grin at the ending:-)
WitchWing107 chapter 1 . 2/12/2017
I feel like you took the mess that was Cursed Child and turned it into exactly what next gen/older Harry and Ginny should be. And I mean that as the highest form of flattery. I love your humour, the love the Potter's have for their kids, the way Ginny is able to connect with Al, everything about this fic is magical.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/20/2016
I love it!
Pie chapter 1 . 10/30/2016
This is beautifully written and heartfelt. You captured the Potter's perfectly and I can't thank you enough for that. Thanks for writing!
extremehpfan chapter 1 . 10/4/2016
When I read Cursed Child, I was not afraid to admit how much I dislike it. Your story on the other hand is amazing. If all of Cursed Child had been written like this (minus the ridiculous things in the play) I would have enjoyed it more. I just find it so hard to believe Harry would have difficulties understanding his son (because obviously he knows *nothing* about being known simply by his name, having expectations thrown upon him, and being labeled based on something he has no control over). Your explanation of Harry simply not knowing how to express his feelings more than not feeling them is more in line with the Harry from the original 7 books. Fabulous job and it's helped me like Cursed Child a little more! Your portrayal of the Potters and Granger-Weasleys was much more in character than the play itself!
cat chapter 1 . 9/1/2016
Aww. This is so nice and bittersweet and so true to Harry and Ginny and Albus. I wish people would write more hurt/comfort Cursed Child fic BECAUSE SO MANY IDEAS. I wrote an Albus-Neville one because of the similarities between them because I haven't found one yet. Sigh. With CC, it's like "I can't find this fic so I have to write it myself."
Tif S chapter 1 . 8/20/2016
This was perfect! Seeing the thought processes and inner workings is definitely a breath of fresh air. With Cursed Child being a script it was a little hard to get into and understand the reasons behind behavior. You do a great job expressing what we didn't get on the page. I adore the way you write Ginny and Albus and everyone really. Wonderful job!
pottermum chapter 1 . 8/13/2016
Great story, I love the relationship Ginny has with Al and Harry. Please write more, I will read anything you write xx
shieldmaidenoftherohirrim chapter 1 . 8/13/2016
I adored this, so very very much
Guest chapter 1 . 8/12/2016
I loved reading this SO much. So very much. While I did enjoy The Cursed Child, I certainly wasn't enamored with it. Being in script form certainly hurt it, so seeing something fleshed out was like a breath of fresh air. Being able to see the innermost thoughts and feelings of the characters, and to have them expanded on has made me like them that much more. This was a wonderful piece, you captured the characters beautifully.
jokykiss chapter 1 . 8/8/2016
i love your story. it perfectly fits with the canon plot . I would liked to see more interactions between Ginny and albus in the original story... your characters are absolutely not ooc good point for you
FitzSwan chapter 1 . 8/7/2016
This is really well written - Ginny and Albus were really well developed and I really enjoyed reading it. The lack of Cursed Child fanfiction at the moment is sad, I'm glad such well written stories are now coming.
lunaz chapter 1 . 8/5/2016
Great story. Loved the Ginny and Albus bonding moments.
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