Reviews for What really matters
cludia d chapter 1 . 8/21/2016
What the hell?!
O que aconteceu mesmo?
Só isto?
Morreu o Yuma?
O Astral não pode fazer mais nada?
Não há forma de os trazer de volta, não?
Guest chapter 1 . 8/13/2016
Nice fic! Oh, and please add characters tags on too!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/8/2016
That was for flipping sad omg i hate that you made astral feel so flipping upset...GOD!
KaibaGirl17 chapter 1 . 8/9/2016
Wow. That was heavy. But it was good. Good job.
Larix959 chapter 1 . 8/9/2016
Astral whaaaaaaaaat? ok he wasnt actually thinking I mean if Yuma was his world well then why really why I know they are together now but ;-;
you killed Yuma again ok they are not alone since Astral have his soul but then again whyyy my heart ;-; btw I'll be going to the corner with ice cream... T_T
PetiteDaisy chapter 1 . 8/8/2016
Oh, my ! That was so painful to read ;; Poor Yuma, he didn't deserve to die ! It was very moving when he's calling for Astral, by the way. But I think I'm going to go and cry in the corner with you TT
Ryu-Ran 2200 chapter 1 . 8/8/2016
Great one shot Amethyst! Nooooo! Poor Yuma. Why Astral?! Why?! Why did you have to sacrifice Yuma for power?! T_T T_T T_T T_T