Reviews for Hadrian Romanoff and the Beginning
Dragon Whistler chapter 25 . 8/6
This is such an awesome story. I keep reading it and hoping for an update. Please please continue this story!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/29
Hope you’ll be able to see this. Your Hadrian Romanoff
Story absolutely fucking brilliant. My LITERAL ONLY
COMPLAINT: I want it to continue! I hope you will An
That you continue writing here. I was hooked from
The off an must say you’ve got a lot of talent!
Hades676 chapter 25 . 6/18
Please MORE
Rachaelthefangirl chapter 24 . 4/8
the lame fight scene warning is the best warning I've ever seen
Rachaelthefangirl chapter 2 . 4/7
This is probably my third time reading this fanfiction and it literally always makes me laugh, you write incredibly well. Thanks for making my day
Guest chapter 10 . 3/30
Like the story so far but no Ron awww man he was my fav character
deckman1234 chapter 25 . 3/19
Very much looking forward to an update. But even if it does not come I still enjoyed what you wrote so far. Thanks and Cheers:)
AvidReader2425 chapter 24 . 3/12
Hermione is basically ensuring she has no friends, especially after that outburst of hers. For such a smart girl, at least book smarts, she made a dumb decision there. Of course, that probably is because of her worship of authority figures.
AvidReader2425 chapter 8 . 3/12
The story is great, I really wish you would come back to it. Three years is a bit of a long wait LOL
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 14 . 12/25/2019
I would make were Natasha is a squib, not muggle and that she is a member of the Romanov Clan Royal Family. But yet at the same time make it clear that She can be very dangerous to anyone who threatens her family. But that's not all I would also make it to A Heritage Genealogy Test was done to confirm suggestions of The Romanov and Evans Families and related. And that She was given the option to adopt along with Guardianship for Harrison 'Harry' James Potter. In fact, even go so far as to point out that Natasha and Lily look so much alike that they could pass off as twins. Plus I would like to think that Lily and James knew about Natasha thus the reason for her being listed in the will. Heck Lily told Harry a boy Hawkeye. So I was thinking it would be funny if The Barton Family are related to the Potter family somehow maybe threw Clint's mother. After all, we know that some of the Potters Migrated to America giving two different branches of the family and a chance for the family to survive but not the stuck up British Wizards know that and the fact many of the stupid Wizards still call the Americas the Colonies even though they haven't been for over two hundred years. Even thou Canada is a Common Wealth Nation of Great Britain just as Australia and New Zealand are.
N. A. Wennerholm chapter 3 . 12/25/2019
It would be funny if Loki was James before his mortal form was filled or he is an ancestor of Harry. Threw either his mom or dad. Or even both of them because of the Eye color being shared and the fact that Harry, James, and Loki ate supposed to share Familiar features. After all, he could easily have unknown children to that of his known. And taking into account what Odin did to Loki's Children over a stupid prophecy and their that mistreatment that can result in the prophecy becomes self-fulfilling. But could have been avoided by treating Loki and his family properly. Whether Marvel comics canon or Original Norse Mythology. By taking a look at what Odin and the Aesir of Asgard did to them It would easily result in Loki and his children wanting revenge for their mistreatment. And the fact that many of the people from the others realms/Worlds don't like The Aesir for what they did to their people and world.
rmw5763 chapter 22 . 12/18/2019
Annnnnd... Mr. Manipulation is about to get a Rude awakening, lol. Thanks for your writings.
Jason16 chapter 8 . 11/8/2019
What are “spider bites”?
Nargelz chapter 8 . 9/25/2019
Iv litrially heard nothing about Steve Rodgers aka Captain America but I have heard about Wanda not that I want Steve in this cause he generally annoys me with how he acts about Tony Stark I mean using all his money and stuff for years without telling him he’s using it to find his perants murderer and ‘big guy in a suit take thy off what are you?’ Well the guy who made that suit while being tortured in a cave and dying unlike you who had to have help to become a hero ’I know guys worth ten of you’ without knowing him more than a few hours
jjbluematrix chapter 1 . 9/4/2019
I'm begging you to write more! I love this story. By the way. Can I plant the Whomping Willow for cardio near my house?
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