Reviews for Defeat the world with rationality
GuitarBOSS chapter 9 . 7/28
I feel like you've misunderstood Suzaku's reasoning. He is well aware of how shit Britannia is. It's just that he's seen first hand (his father) how fighting against them is completely useless and would only result in more lives lost. That's why he tries to work within the system: because fighting against Britannia would only result in more oppression from Britannia, not freedom.

This is what happened with the British Raj in India in real life.
sakurablossoms chapter 20 . 5/4
This look like the end of r1 arc. We still have arc 2 right. The battle is not over! Are you still going to update? Though I can't really protest much, I have a story that I left for 4 years before coming back again xD hope you're back soon tho I enjoy your writing and this story gave me unique perspectives
Guest chapter 20 . 4/12
Great story, sad but great ending, altough i would have liked another chapter with everything after his death.
Stil, great work
lulunya chapter 20 . 3/11
what a mean cliffhanger and the you dont upload for over 2 years how cruel i really like this story but i guess ill have to resign myself to the fact that all the good code geass storys nvr get finished
fuck i hate that fact
Inheritance1990 chapter 19 . 2/25
I was giving this a reread and noticed it has now been two years since you updated. It's a shame, but I understand how things can get in the way, I just wanted to say this is one of my favourite CG stories around, and I appreciate you writing it.
Spaded Ace18 chapter 20 . 2/25
Ok seriously please tell me this isn't the actual end that cliffhanger isn't even funny I'm actually wrapping my mind around what you just did I respect it but damnit I demand the next chapter after reading this straight through... ok well when you get an actual chance that is this story is to good to leave there hope you update soon...I'm going to go find tissues now.
Guest chapter 20 . 12/19/2019
I really really hate you! This story was good until this chapter
LightDas chapter 20 . 10/25/2019
...buddy. You didn't give me tissues. You gave me trust issues.
*squeees* This was absolutely AWESOME. I could probably sing its praises for a 1,000 word passage but alas! Time is of the essence. But I just wanted you to know that this was ridiculously well written and oh man I loved it sooo much. Even if a lot of the political stuff went over my head, you could just TELL how much thought was put into this. I literally binged the whole fic in two days.
I really hope you'll be continuing this. It was really great.
BlackPetals4 chapter 20 . 5/5/2019
Wow, this ist auch a great story!
I love the flow of it, how you weave the plot and how you use the characters. They are true to the original and yet you make them grow in their struggles. Especially Lelouch and Suzaku, but also C.C. Euphy, Cornelia, Kallen, Milly and Nunnally as well as every other Black Knight we know more about. Your care for detail makes this story exceptional. The planning and plotting is as realistic as you could write it in ff.
Your Grammar and spelling are good as well, though I sometimes spotted some minor mistakes. They didn’t interrupt the flow, but the two most common mistakes were how you confused the verb ‚to save‘ with the adjective ‚to be safe‘, you always write it with an f instead of a v, and the plural form with the possessive, the apostrophe ‘ is often missing or you put one in when you meant to write the plural. I hope this helps you and you don’t take offence.
Now about this cliffhanger...Are you serious?! You meanie made me cry!
I hope Lelouch comes back in the next chapter with a Code or because God actually owes him one and you don’t let Nunnally know her brother died, that would be just evil and cruel.
I’m curious if the BK will finally find out about the supernatural stuff going on behind their backs...on one hand, it would confuse and distract them a whole lot and maybe even make them doubt, but they would deal with it I guess. On the other hand, they deserve to know how their leader died and Lelouch deserves some recognition for saving the world. Besides, spinning a believable lie would be extremely difficult. And I would love to see their reactions...
Ah well, as long as you didn’t kill Lelouch off permanently, I’m happy with whatever path this story will take.
Thank you for writing and sharing it with us readers!
Guest chapter 20 . 4/26/2019
Fuck you fuck you fuck you dammit! The only reason I read mot of the fan fic is because I want CC and lelouch to end up together. Now you just ruined my mood for a week! So fuck you a million times!
Ninja-dude1 chapter 20 . 4/22/2019
Great story any news on updating it
golegoninja123 chapter 20 . 12/24/2018
Love the story, hope for more.

And I'm sorry for ruining this chapters beautiful moment of story telling but i honestly think Jeremiah has a defibrillator as a cyborg so... ORANGE EX MACHINA!

Im so so sorry
thecatleader chapter 20 . 12/22/2018
I have no idea how to react to that cliffhanger but what I do know is that this story has given me several ideas for my story and it is one of the best I've ever read.
Iqmalzz chapter 20 . 11/1/2018
Man that clifhangar. It really makes you wonder what will happen to Lelouch. Great fic. Can't wait for next chapter.
Awais chapter 19 . 10/27/2018
Really really great story with detailed scences really goo write thanks
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