Reviews for Held in the Stars
BlueMapple chapter 1 . 7/15
I don't understand what was the problem in this entire situation. Erika knows water walking, so cracked ice or not, she (and Hanabi) would have never fell in the water anyway.
iolandanovaes21 chapter 20 . 3/23/2019
Please continue!
Ryo chapter 20 . 10/3/2018
Aweeee, she works t the academy now. She'll get to witness Sasuke with all his friends and homies lol. I have to say though, that the convo with Kakashi was rather on the weird side. It might be supposed to look like that, but I found it rather odd when they just brought out their monologue without a lot of emotion. As I said, it might be supposed to look like that, but I found it a bit to cold for a subject of that calibre.
Still, that but with Lee (was it him?) was just way to adorable!
See you soon!
Guest chapter 20 . 9/15/2018
"It's not us who failed to get to know him better. He never really showed his true self from the start."
OMG that sentence so cool so true!
Let's be honest, I don't think anyone knows what's going on his brilliant head even after we've read the whole manga and novels.

Anyway, I find this chapter very enlightening about the aftermath of the massacre. Really, there're not many writers with great understanding about it, I think. Most will just jump to the avenging part.

Please update soon!
lizyeh2000 chapter 20 . 9/10/2018
Thanks for updating!
Calentine chapter 20 . 9/10/2018
i think your portrayal of sasuke after the massacre is more realistic. we're able to see his fragile side and determination. but we're still able to see sasuke's suspicious nature which i think is so him lol the hell with danzo?! all he could is lying! screw him, ugh. and i don't mind a kakashi either since it's kakashi!
ok, but erika becoming a medic in the infirmary is somewhat a twist. great update! waiting for more
Guest chapter 19 . 8/12/2018
NOOO you can't just leave me hanging here!
Please update soon
Guest chapter 19 . 8/12/2018
omg you've updated for months and i've only read it now!

stupid danzo
stupid selfless itachi
stupid martyrish kiyoshi
poor gullible erika
cuteeee sasu-chan!

aw now itachi and erika's relationship's so restrained
I bet Erika didn't expect her accussation (observation..) to backfired

btw I really appreciate your efforts to write down Itachi's thoughts and struggles, the feels..

and now there's another misunderstanding. great.
This is just getting angstier.
And now that we're finally here, you left that cliffhanger. :(

Please update soon!
Ryo chapter 19 . 8/4/2018

…damn Daniel.
Like, it's just such an Itachi-esque way to abandon all of his happiness to a point were you're like "bruh, he can't be human". You pictured him in such a perfect way (also the little bean Sasuke!). I'll be exited for the sequel!
Also I've opened my own account and published my story. The account is called healyeon; I'd be happy if you could check it out!
Guest chapter 18 . 5/3/2018
nooo omg I can't believe he's gone! His sacrifice, although saved his friend's life, really put him in a bad situation. no matter how you look at it. especially now.
There's these dust out of nowhere attacking my eyes when I'm reading that letter. Damn.
I don't know how you amazingly relieved my sadness with that fluffy part of Itachi and Erika. Aw. I was smiling stupidly by myself, good thing there's no one here to witness that. They might think I'm weird or something.
aw such a cute scene! Erika's a bit silly to banter with a, what, 5 year old? but it's cute nonetheless. Sasuke's kinda tsundere, just like her.
update soon!
Guest chapter 17 . 5/3/2018
Sasuke's surprisingly a very mature kid even before the massacre. It's kinda heartbreaking to see his fondness towards Itachi, and never knowingly receiving the same in return.
Okay, I'm officially hate Danzo with passion.
Surprising to see Itachi bravely or rather, innocently informing Kiyoshi of his orders. I guess it really speaks about his character. And from what I can see, Itachi's warning's actually is his guilt speaking, trying to save his father. If I'm reading things correctly, or there really is some darkness in him. Not surprising though, considering everything he's gone through.
This part's so sad I almost cried. Kiyoshi's really loyal to his teammates. :'(
Guest chapter 16 . 5/3/2018
omgomgomg what are you doing gurl? taking a break? are you sure that's a good decision?
so we found out the origin of that necklace, nice to know he really did never take it off, at least canon-verse.
oh god that monologue hit me right in the heart, why are you doing this mr./ms. author?
oh gosh things are heating up right now. what's with danzo and the daimyo anyway? waiting for the motives.
Guest chapter 15 . 5/3/2018
it's kinda heartbreaking to see Erika's unflinching faith to Itachi, the guy she's known all these years. When she finds out all that's happend..
stupid danzo! i really hate his coldness. his vision of leading with iron hands and utilitarian ethics wont' do any good for konoha citizens.
exactly what's his reasoning to join danzo's ANBU?
O HO did they know that they're talking about the same doc?
HAHAHA who'd expect them to get drunk and unable to pay their drinks?
it's amusing! can't wait to read the next chapter, which i'll do right now!
lizyeh2000 chapter 18 . 2/28/2018
Thanks for updating!
Ryo chapter 18 . 2/28/2018
Why do l never realise spoilers!
Like seriously, if you read Black Butler you'll know what I mean: the twin brother theory.
I never realised…TT
I loved the part of Kiyoshi's letter (despite his death). Lets all pay our respect for Kiyoshi for a minute.

See, you are not the only one that's cringy XD
Hope to see you soon and have a nice day!
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