Reviews for How Death Defies well, Death
Black Dragoniss chapter 26 . 3/5
I love this story, I'm excited to see what happens next
Paili-chan chapter 1 . 2/6
Um... why didn't she just run off with Skull, MARRY him, and NEVER go back to England, at least not until MANY years have gone by, and she and Skull have had multiple kids and shes already heavily pregnant with her latest kid with Skull when/if James ever manafed to track her down again. *lol* or better yet, run away by herself and never see either James OR Skull again and hide herself away in another country, so she wouldn't be 'tricked' into drinking Aromentia and forced into marriage with a guy she NEVER wanted to begin with.
lady sakura cosmos chapter 26 . 2/6
ok, thank you for letting us know and for giving us what you had writen for it.
APridefulSin chapter 26 . 2/6
thank you for sharing the pieces you wrote! I loved the "Belt of Deltora" reference, but I know my favourites are the Levi and Leon piece and the meet Mad-Eye Moody piece.
APridefulSin chapter 26 . 2/6
oh my gosh! I love that book series! I couldn't get into the cartoon made from it, but hands down my favorite character is tied between Doom and Jasmine. Glad to find someone other than me who knows of it! it's hard for me to find people who do, so now I know two people!
Underland98 chapter 25 . 12/28/2019
is this abandoned?
onepiecefannumber1 chapter 25 . 9/21/2019
are you going to continue this story i really love it
Nemhain2009 chapter 25 . 8/1/2019
I like your ideas here :P
Minalibelula chapter 25 . 12/30/2018
This is a great story, I hope you feel up to finishing it eventually. I really think that her ending up with Bel would be fabulous. Perhaps, since you don’t have this set in stone, you could have it that Bermuda lost touch with her for a while and during that time she meets Skull. Then Death sees Bermuda again during the ring tournament where she holds up skull and trills about finding her ‘adorable father’, and perhaps she is on Skulls team and suggests an alliance? Perhaps she derails Byakurans’ overloading plans in a silly way, like when he tries to get her on his side she whacks him on the head and tells him to stop drinking the crazy juice then lectures him on how stupid he’s being and how just because the other home did it doesn’t mean he has to and does he really want to have to do all that paperwork to make sure everything runs smoothly? Maybe when she is actually introduced to Levi (Varia) she stares at him for a while, then sniffs and says “my Levi is better” then walks away, then he gets insulted, Levi (snake) bites him, Death turns back around, sniffs, shrugs, sticks gum in her mouth (so as to be extra insulting/annoying) then says “told you so”. While she is being Bels pet she acts like an animal around others but when they’re alone she becomes human again and helps him plan/make pranks on the rest of the Varia. Idk, just shooting the breeze to give you a bit of inspiration or to make this stories wheels turn a bit.
Xireana Prime chapter 25 . 12/18/2018
Well thanks for the spoiler and i hope you get your break
Cheshire333 chapter 25 . 12/18/2018
Oh my god. That sounds adorable and amazing! But I understand. Take your time and I hope you feel better.
RasTas0178 chapter 25 . 12/18/2018
I’m sad that your taking a break from this story, because I have really enjoyed the plot thus far, but I can understand the need for a break, I hope your muse for this story returns soon
Guest chapter 24 . 10/8/2018
Please update. There aren't many good or long HP and KHR crossovers
Guest chapter 24 . 9/21/2018
Update update the story I enjoy reading it update the story
Mumia0813 chapter 24 . 7/15/2018
More I'm following this don't keep me in suspense ya hear
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