Reviews for Naruto : Uchiha Chronicles
avjuan37 chapter 19 . 7/13
please make more chapters
J0HNNYCASH chapter 5 . 7/11
Yo I got a slight problem with the story the hirashin was created by the fourth hokage not the second
tenger etseg chapter 19 . 7/4
can’t expect updates anymore?
Guest chapter 2 . 6/25
Ok, so imagine that a guy tries to sneak through a door but couldn’t make it, resulting in him becoming stuck. The only way you can save this guy is if you update this story.

Guest chapter 19 . 6/22
Updates man pls
Conrad777 chapter 19 . 5/30
C'est la meilleure fic, dommage qu'elle ne soit pas terminée.
PenDoTyrne chapter 8 . 5/27
PenDoTyrne chapter 3 . 5/27
SASUKE SARUTOBI. There, that's who Tobirama's friend is.
Bao bao chapter 18 . 5/24
The ending was soooo coool!
Please update, I can't wait to see whats next.
Bmehok03 chapter 9 . 5/18
Wow that was an intense ending to this chapter! Awesome! Gives me chills man.
Guest chapter 19 . 5/9
yo please update
Guest chapter 19 . 5/9
Yo when's the update?
Unknown chapter 19 . 4/30
I can’t wait for the next update! :)
Unknown chapter 11 . 4/30
I am consumed on one part. You wrote that Mito wasn’t able to have good chakra control because she was a junjuriki, but before you stated or at least implied that the hidden leaf didn’t have any jinjuriki. Does everyone just not know that Mito is a junjuriki?
Unknown chapter 5 . 4/29
I guessed it. Well actually, I guess that guy would be put on the team and then decided that wouldn’t work because of age difference. I actually forgot about his dad though.
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