Reviews for Omnia Mutantur
saashi samy chapter 4 . 12/10/2016
i like the couple Legolas x Lili

What is the appearance of the twins?

And what happens with your height? If they have elven blood i guess they should be taller and prettier

The idea is good and interesting but I find it very cruel that Elladan can not be with his children

i like the story

decadenceofmysoul chapter 4 . 9/9/2016
Awesome update!
TMI Fairy chapter 3 . 9/9/2016
Thumbs up for Sindarin. It IMO is the language of diplomacy and learning (in the latter role alongside Quenya). I always find it jarring that Thorin is typically rendered as not knowing Sindarin. Kili and Fili also should know it.
TMI Fairy chapter 2 . 9/9/2016
1 - why wou carrying an elf be lighjter? Elves are larger than dwarrow ...
2 - thumbs up for correct order of baby and placenta :)
3 - 100 is too late - he would had been an adult for 60 (dwarf) or 50 (elf) years; IMO 50 would
4 - I did notice strong similarities to Kaotic's fic :)
decadenceofmysoul chapter 3 . 8/25/2016
Awesome update!
Guest chapter 1 . 8/21/2016
Is this going to be like Stolen Heir by kaotic312?
RomanticLover1 chapter 2 . 8/23/2016
I look forward to seeing how this story will progress! I think the background is quite ingenious, and very different from any other 'Kili as a half-elf' fanfic (although there aren't many). I also liked how you added Lili, and I do wonder how you will incorporate her.

I can't wait to read about their faces when they realise they are half elf!
decadenceofmysoul chapter 2 . 8/21/2016
Awesome story so far!
PlaidOtaku chapter 2 . 8/21/2016
Excited to read more soon!
PlaidOtaku chapter 1 . 8/21/2016
Wait but if Elladan was basically a stone and hardly did anything how did Dis get pregnant?