Reviews for RARE File Logs: Livia Trasic Mission JPN-T5
PopTartOv7 chapter 20 . 6/21
DUDEEEEEE YOU ARE SO FREAKING CREATIVE! i LOVE your stories SO MUCH! pleaseeeeeee update this one soon. i’ve never read stories like yours before and i LOVE them! but i noticed that all Oran High stories are about an OC with Kyouya and i was wondering if you could do one with Kaoru. i’d love to read one with him as the oc characters love interest.
Guest chapter 20 . 12/27/2019
Love the new chapter! Please keep writing, it is amazing!
Siren-or-Nightengale chapter 20 . 12/15/2019
Not gonna li, I got excited when it popped up in my email that you updated. Yay. Missed this. Love the story!
Momochan77 chapter 20 . 12/12/2019
Of course you have readers who still love your stories! They’re amazing because you’ve worked hard to get them to that point and you NEVER disappoint! See you next update!
GoldenOakLeavesOfWindClan chapter 20 . 12/12/2019
I'm so happy you're writing again! I've been waiting for this for like ever. I always love it when I see your update in my inbox! This chapter was great, I love how things are gradually smoothing over. Hope to read from you soon.
Wonderwomanbatmanfan chapter 20 . 12/12/2019
I wish I can give a like and or a heart (an emoji too), because this was a great chapter. Please update soon :D
AusllyBeliever chapter 19 . 4/19/2019
I read this chapter as soon as I got the email that you updated so this is just a delayed review XD. This chapter was great. Kyoya is so out of his element with everything going on that it’s kinda funny. Leave it to Haruhi to reel the club back in and get them to hear what Livia has to say. The absolutely best part, though, was Livia telling Kyoya that her grades at Ouran mean “bupkis” to her after she leaves.

I’m intrigued to know what’s next for this bunch. Great chapter!
Guest chapter 19 . 4/12/2019
Wow I missed this and was waiting so long for a new chapter!Great as always thank for making my day with a new chapter!
Momochan77 chapter 19 . 4/6/2019
Yay update! I missed you! Glad to see you’ve worked through your writers block! I can’t wait to see what else happens in this story now the the Hosts and Livia are friends again! See you next update!
BrideOvAlucard chapter 13 . 2/13/2019
Yhup Livia,me too.I also find it hard for Eclaire to be behind Kyoya's assassination attempts since what he had done to in the forcing Tamaki to marry her and leave the Host Club actually had a good was only helping Tamaki's mother to see his son .
Kayumeee chapter 1 . 11/2/2018
I didn’t realize you’re on Fanfiction! I found this story on Archieve and have been waiting for your updates. I like here better cuz I can favorite you and it’s easier to check up on.
Dark Mystique chapter 18 . 10/27/2018
This is an awesome story! I hope to read more soon!
AusllyBeliever chapter 18 . 8/26/2018
I guess they finally realize the seriousness of the situation now and why Livia put Kyoya under house-arrest. Those people are messing around when it comes to wanting to kill Kyoya. There’s no hesitation, even in a crowded place.
Cassiopeia Eileen chapter 18 . 7/11/2018
Aaaahh, definitely darker~
Still just as enjoyable, I'm getting a little bit of smug satisfaction from Kyoya and the twins being forced to eat their words!
And Livia making them stew in their guilt makes it even better~!
Guest chapter 18 . 7/8/2018
Please write the next chapter for dealing with the new host pls btw great chapter
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