Reviews for Depth Perception
Mystic Moon Flower chapter 33 . 6/24
So she wants to be the second coming of kaguya? To rule the world with overwhelming power? And if she fuses with kaguya is she sure that kaguya won't affect her thoughts? If you know Magi and completed the manga the end arc is like this story.
Mystic Moon Flower chapter 12 . 6/24
Kakashi wtf!xD poor Itachi chan he got trolled by kakashi xD
JustDusty chapter 3 . 6/5
I can't get comfortable with the fact that a group of psychotic murderous S class shinobi are playing family. it's like some sick humor tv show
Centinel chapter 11 . 5/11
To be honest this hole part was not enjoyable to read and rather meh. I dont like it at all, so yeah...
Centinel chapter 10 . 5/11
And here I thought she was smart or wise(because it was stated so much in previous chapter) because no he is evil and no amount of arguments can say otherwise. Sure they live a somewhat nice live, but the fact that the villagers cheer for a dead person and the children get seperated from the parents is not really a good thing. And they seem to have to do as told(as Mibi wasnt allowed to be aseamstress). So yeah he is evil and she shouldnt believe him that much. Ohh and that she is so fucking scarred of a chuunin. Sure he is stronger, but she was trained by multiple S-Rang Ninjas and lives with them, so i dont know how she can be so terrified of him...
Centinel chapter 9 . 5/11
Yeah Torture is something i dont particularly like I just hope she doesnt become some edgelord and remain happy as she was(ohh and maybe finally now hating obito? I mean her obsessiveness was a little too much, since he still is under Madaras influence and a pretty bad guy)
Aetherium21 chapter 31 . 4/25
God it was so foolish of Yuu to go down there with him
Aetherium21 chapter 30 . 4/25
Damn my heart ached for Kakuzu this chapter
topsyturvy-dream chapter 33 . 4/16
Oh my goodness! That part where Yuupika was in Juzo’s room asking for forgiveness and feeling that ghostly hand on her head... the emotions were so raw and reading that part gave me the shivers and lots of tears! I’m so sad that Juzo had to die :(

Anyway, I just finished binge reading this story and let me say that I really enjoyed it. I think that the plot change is quite interesting and I like how you made Yuupika not that good of a person. Yuupika is quite intriguing because of her manipulations, although sometimes her actions make me cringe because she’s playing god too much to the point that she has to “sacrifice” people that she loves just for the sake of peace. I like how she’s a genius though. Introducing pagers and other modern appliances in the Narutoverse is surely a great way to take over the world, and as an aspiring entrepreneur, I approve her earning those $$$ hahahaha In terms of her love interest, I think that she has that chemistry with Obito. However, I think it’ll be a bit difficult to have that relationship even when she grows older because of those scenes when Obito tortured her. I mean, I understand the pull to a certain person, but I guess it’s up to Yuupika to decide whether or those traumatising experiences that Obito subjected her to is worth forgiving and forgetting. Likewise, Obito’s always away and he still obsesses over Rin, so that’ll be a lot of things that Yuupika has to consider. Though as an Itachi fan, I’d love it if she ends up with him. But to be honest, she’s still really young right now, and there’s still at least 8 years until she’s an actual adult (and a lot can happen in those years), so anything goes really. Anyway, I just want to say that I’m very excited to read her growing up and how else she’s going to change the canon plot, and of course, her developing relationships with the canon characters. Also, I want to thank you for sharing this fic with us! I really enjoyed reading the story, and seeing soft Akatsuki members :D

By the way, I saw in the previous chapter that you’re considering giving some other author your outline for this story just in case they want to continue it instead. I know that writing a wonderful fic such as this takes a lot of time and effort, so maybe one way you can give readers closure (in case you decide not to finish writing this story) is to publish the detailed plot points, ideas, snippets and the ending that you have. I’ve read a few fics online wherein the author did this because they couldn’t continue on with the fic anymore. Anyway, just letting you know just in case (because I’d really love to know what you have come up with) it becomes too stressful to finish the story :) Thank you so much again for this fic! It truly is a masterpiece!
Late night vibes chapter 33 . 4/7
Wow. You sort of glosses over that whole revolution thing, didn’t you. I sure hope it doesn’t have dire, lasting consequences. Poor Yuupika, pray to god she doesn’t leave it to blow up in her face later.
guadadominguez4 chapter 33 . 4/6
blueys50 chapter 33 . 4/6
Thanks for the chapter
Cyan Sung-Sun chapter 32 . 4/3
Yes. His way of coping is to make life for others even worse than it is for him.
aysezim.mara12 chapter 32 . 3/28
Omg. What a story?! Please just keep write️️ From Moscow, ️
thewhiteangel213 chapter 32 . 3/24
Thank you very much for the update :)
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