Reviews for One Step at a Time
Aspacebi chapter 41 . 12/29/2018
This is the best fanfiction I have ever read. Thank you greatly for the time and effort you put into writing this amazing piece of literature.
Panda-Chan chapter 12 . 12/22/2018
Oh, my gods, you are awesome! I have known literally nobody who gets Kid Icarus: Uprising quotes. Thank you for making the reference of Viridi being based off Gaia by having Jack quote Viridi AND calling Em-Jay 'Gaia incarnate'. You have made my year. You've made my life. I will never unheard Chris Pine saying that, so I'm never gonna be able to say 'thank you' enough. I'm done rambling now.
Guest chapter 41 . 5/4/2018
THIS WAS AMAZING! Just wanted to let you know that I loved it. I’ve just gotten into the whole BIG 4 part of the fandom and so far it’s pretty awesome. Thanks for taking your time to write this piece
RandomReader18 chapter 15 . 10/28/2017
So, I've been thinking about this for several chapters now, but aren't they supposed to be in college? Why do they have a home room class? Also, isn't hiccup 18? I don't think his father could pull him out of school. The worst he could do is not pay for it and therefore make hiccup come back home. I really do like your story over all, but their college feels like a high school. Very interested in seeing where the story goes, though.
Arwen Eledel chapter 41 . 5/4/2017
This was incredible, thank you sincerely for such an amazing piece of writing - it shows that this is what you're making a career out of :) I'm in love with your writing style - the word choices, the skills in mystery and suspence and description you possess, but most of all the way that you, the author, are a part of the narrative passively somehow - not too noticably or unnecesarily, just perfectly.
I loved the plot which drew from at least a dozen movies and probably trice as much books to create a seamlessly flowing storyline that had far more in common with an award-winning book than a fan work. I loved the characters and their characterisation and their descriptions and the roles you'd given them in this univerce of yours. Also thank you for bringing out the good in Pitch, something the lack of which flawed the end of RotG for me.
I loved the Seasons AU part of the story, which is a feat in itself, for I normally despite it since it's terribly overdone and stereotypical - but not yours. For that I owe you once more sincere thanks.
And another, heart-felt thank you for a Dance AU - it was amazing seeing what I feel when Dancing being put into words, thank you!
Arwen Eledel chapter 30 . 5/4/2017
Oh gods, Oh gods, Oh gods... (Brilliant characterisation, by the way!) Oh my gods... Wow.
Arwen Eledel chapter 24 . 5/3/2017
Hi again, just to note how amazing the concept of this whole thing is, not to mention the style and the way you intertwine all the movies plus two books series (none of which I know anything about outside of what I've learnt via fanficion) plus additional movies here and there. And, for the record, I've always viewed Hiccup as Fire :)
Arwen Eledel chapter 18 . 5/3/2017
I knew it, I bloody knew it was her but i had no idea things were going this way! And I only have time for one more chapter before school, oh, dear God, help me...
(How can you be that good? Honestly, it's impossible!)
Arwen Eledel chapter 14 . 5/2/2017
Hi again, just two more things.
One, your writing style is simultaneously excrutiatingly amazing and heart-wrenching. Those backstories were the most impressive pieces of writing I've seen recently.
Two, my mind's playing with the idea of the villain being Baba Yaga. Dunno, just thinking out loud really.
Thanks again, you're amazing!
Arwen Eledel chapter 9 . 5/2/2017
Hi, I think it's a bit pointless to comment on a chapter when the whole thing's out, but I couldn't stop myself - you see, the bit about what Hiccup feels like when dancing, it was... incredible. And it was so me that it hurts a bit (in a good way); even more so, because he's my favourite. So, anyway, I'll get back to reading now, thanks for coming up with this - a Dance AU (of sorts) that by far looks like a something with an incredibly fascinating plot :)
WinterCrystal1009 chapter 41 . 4/24/2017
This has got to be the BEST Big 4 fanfic I've ever read. I just HAD to finish it!
SpaceAutumn chapter 10 . 1/21/2017
Will Toothless appear? (You can't have hiccup in a fic without Toothless, that is just plain wrong. Just like how it's wrong to have a fic with Toothless in it but no Hiccup.)
Other than that question, THIS IS AMAZING!
On a side note, any ships? If so, which?
gaeanddumb chapter 41 . 1/16/2017
Oh my god! This ending is so, so, so good. And a bit bittersweet, but you are such a great writer! I can't wait to read your next story!
geekyglamour413 chapter 41 . 1/16/2017
That was great. That was amazing. This story was awesome
geekyglamour413 chapter 39 . 1/16/2017
"Rapunzel shrieked in a manner very similar to a certain video game sidekick" I got that reference omg that's hilarious!
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