Reviews for This Time Around
Sals86 chapter 21 . 4/20/2019
Great fic. Tooth achingly sweet with a smattering of angstsmut!
Mie779 chapter 21 . 4/3/2019
I really did enjoy this story... very romantic w just the right time of angst romance and passion... loved how they became a family in the end... would have loved to see that final epilogue hope you one day will write it... maybe the birth of their baby I would really like to read that. .. great work... will read more of your stories soon.
Mie779 chapter 18 . 4/3/2019
I do love this story... BUT now I really need to get something off my chest before I finish the last two chapters... I noticed some rather glaring mistakes in terms of spelling... and it is consistent so it can't just be a one time fluke...
1) there is a difference between message and massage... when you write about them ex touching each other they are "MASSAGUNG" one another... the other words is used when some on sends a message... so very different thing
2) wondering/wandering also two VERY different words... when his fingers are sliding over her body they WANDER... Wondering is when you THINK about something. ..
I know you've had a beta on this but you treally need to use the correct words... I breaks the fluency of the read when you have to pause to think what is meant here... hope you take this as positive critic and nothing else... cause I DO like this fic...
resident-of-storybrooke chapter 21 . 10/19/2018
I've read this story a few times now, but god I can never keep it together at the end! It's such a wonderful story, so beautiful, so moving. I absolutely adore you and your writing! Thank you for this!
Invrwroteit chapter 21 . 12/1/2017
This was spectacular!
onceuponaprincess chapter 21 . 9/26/2017
This story is so sweet! Their little family is the cutest.
Doodlelolly0910 chapter 21 . 8/23/2017
This is so damn adorable. I loved every chapter. Waiting patiently for the second epilogue!
Nenski chapter 1 . 6/7/2017
Just discovered this story and I'm so intrigued! Can't wait to read the rest!
NotoriousCS chapter 8 . 4/22/2017
Sitting in my house a block from the ocean in Virginia Beach squeeing about their trip here! Loving the story!
Tony7323 chapter 21 . 4/4/2017
Fantastic I really enjoyed it this story well done ... Where's the other Epilogue ?...
Tony7323 chapter 20 . 4/4/2017
Very well written nicely done...
Tony7323 chapter 19 . 4/4/2017
Very good plot movement...
Tony7323 chapter 18 . 4/4/2017
Well done...
Tony7323 chapter 17 . 4/4/2017
Good job...
Tony7323 chapter 16 . 4/4/2017
This was fantastic well done...
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