Reviews for Serendipity
KookiePie1025 chapter 7 . 23h
I got hooked to the story right off the bat. You write beautifully. Intrigued about the Gaara Hinata angle. They’re all character with subtle nuances that just fit your storyline.

Please update soon! Thanks!
LB Cat chapter 7 . 6/30
Lovely story. Enjoyed reading it. Thanks
jeyelsee chapter 7 . 6/29
There are many unclear factors still, between Hinata, Sasuke and Gaara. Also Shika Temari and Ino. Hmm. I wonder what's up with Hanabi too? I'm looking our for more SasuHina interactions, though.
LadyThatReadsNaked chapter 7 . 6/1
The amount of chills and giggles this story gives me is next level. I really enjoy your writing.
wicked ashes chapter 1 . 5/9
I absolutely love your story! Exceptionally written, intricate and subtle. Love the relationship between Hinata and Sasuke - does them both justice. Can't wait for the next one! xoxo
XxJasmineReyxX chapter 7 . 5/3
Just finished binging this story! Rather refreshing read with a great concept. Hope to see an update to this story soon. Keep up the great work!
Guest chapter 7 . 4/29
i really hope you update soon, i love this story and the characters mistery
orange mug chapter 7 . 4/22
aaahhh i loove it. what happened between gaara dan hinata? I know it’s a difficult time but I hope you can update this story soon. Take care and stay healthy
tactics2012 chapter 7 . 4/7
This was am amazing update. Thank you
IvoryxNoir chapter 7 . 4/2
the revelation
Senpai-sama1 chapter 7 . 3/31
The situation in relations is complicated and entangled. You write really great and exciting. I wonder how you will continue.
asdanakaren chapter 7 . 3/30
Gurl I really hope you updated soon, I need to know what happen with gara and hinata and how sasuhina get together ... nice story btw
Saki-Hime chapter 7 . 3/30
I really hope this whole mess is somehow resolved. Great chapter.
Violet456 chapter 7 . 3/30
Honestly such an amazing story can’t wait for more.
Koen D chapter 7 . 3/30
I'm just getting more and more curious about Hinata and Gaara's relationship. It seems to me that Hinata had been cheating on Gaara with Sasuke but God knows she's not that kind of girl. In fact, she's the sweetest and kindest girl in the world and she would never do something so wrong. But again, who knows? I just hope that if Hinta really did cheat on Gaara, she must have a good reason for it.
Thank you for writing and I hope you'll update soon
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