Reviews for The Mutt
BirdieKitKat chapter 26 . 5/31
Amazing. As good as the original and so full of depth.
Guest chapter 26 . 5/4
Read all 3 stories from Peeta’s POV and loved it!
Inquisitivex90 chapter 26 . 4/24
Im so happy I found this beauty!
Amazing story! I couldn't stop reading it.
5 stars!
This is added to my favorite stories collection!
Ai Akira chapter 26 . 4/8
Wow... the time it must have taken to create this awesomeness. The effort. We appreciate it. Well done and thank you.
Juststella1 chapter 26 . 2/28
Wow! The epilogue was worth waiting for and so beautifully written. Peeta's POV and the final explanation of The Hunger Games, the one he will tell his children was perfectly told.

Thank you for sharing this amazing story.
PurpleSkye05 chapter 25 . 11/10/2019
I’m honestly not even sure where to start, but once again that was amazing. I have read a lot of fanfiction, usually Harry Potter based, sometimes marvel and recently the hunger games. This is undoubtedly the most well written FanFiction I have ever read. Throughout all three stories you are incredible eloquent and the spelling and grammar is perfect. Your characterisation was always spot on for every character and there wasn’t a time when I found myself thinking that something didn’t ring true or that a character was acting out of character.
You’ve understood the character of Peeta so perfectly, allowing his voice to truly ring out and making him more than just the boy who loves Katniss.
Reading The Mutt’ was truly heartbreaking. We know Peeta was tortured but actually reading it and seeing what he went through was really hard to read at times which is a good thing as it shows just what he actually experienced and shows us how he became the way he was. At first I found it a bit confusing jumping between Peeta’s torture in the capital, Peeta in 13 and then the future, but I soon realised how much more this was adding to the story. How you truly saw just how confused Peeta was, how his mind couldn’t focus and kept jumping from place to place, trying to work out what was real or not real. Seeing how hard Peeta was trying to hold on to himself and then having the contrast of what he became after his hijacking was brilliantly done and truly showed the change in his perspective all the while staying utterly true to his character.
I liked having the blanks filled in, such as what happened during Katniss’ trial and the part Peeta played in that as well as seeing the part Prim and Haymitch played in his recovery. I really enjoyed seeing more of the relationship between Haymitch and Peeta as we usually see so much of Haymitch and Katniss. It was nice to see Haymitch trying to save Peeta and help him and to see how much he values Peeta.
I honestly want to thank you for writing this amazing trilogy and I have loved every second of reading it. I’m sure I’ll come back to it many more times in the future. I only wish you had the number of reviews and favourites that these stories deserve as they truly are incredible. Thanks again for sharing your wonderful work.
victoriafurlough1 chapter 1 . 1/16/2019
ive only read your first two and the first page of this one so far but...chills. I'm nearly shaking at how realistic this is
Juststella1 chapter 25 . 10/12/2018
A beautiful story. Thank you for sharing it. :)
OfPearlsAndShoelaces chapter 25 . 10/11/2018
So to be honest with you, I finished this story over a week ago but I've been putting off reviewing it because I couldn't come up with the right combination of words to say exactly what a masterpiece it is. But I'll try. First and foremost... wow. I'm still trying to process the amount of talent and care that so obviously went into it. Like the other two in your Peeta's POV series, you nailed his voice to a tee. Every line feels so natural to his character and his story. I was expecting you'd follow along chapter- for- chapter like you did with the others, but like you point out in the story- memory isn't linear. Because of this, the story is almost disorienting to read, but it was a brilliant creative decision to flash back and forth between Peeta's torture and recovery. The eventual reveal that Peeta created the mutt in his own mind even before the hijacking is so. Effing. Brilliant. It makes so much sense that it might even be a personal headcanon of mine now.

You write like someone who really understands the complexities of mental illness, and because of that, I felt like I was in Peeta's head with him (in whatever state he happened to be in) the entire time. I found myself re-reading certain passages just for the profound beauty of them. I've never read a story from an author that so thoroughly understands Peeta's frame of mind in this last book in the way that you managed to capture here. Bravo. I'm always hesitant to say that a fan fic is better than the original because I don't think it's fair to the source material, but I will say that you hooked me in a way that the original Mockingjay did not. You took my least favorite book in my favorite series and gave me a brand new appreciation for it. Thank you so much for putting so much of your time and talent in every story for this series- they've been a joy to read. 3
Juststella1 chapter 5 . 10/10/2018
"... hijack you back."
Peeta trusting Prim enough to listen to the new therapy.
Juststella1 chapter 2 . 10/10/2018
Peeta is being brainwashed. Heartbreaking stuff.
Juststella1 chapter 1 . 10/10/2018
Peeta's therapy sessions are so confronting.

The lullaby is 'strange and unfamiliar' to Peeta. His hijacking has distorted so much of his memory of Katniss.
FireIsCatching14 chapter 25 . 4/7/2018
I have just finished reading your triology and I just wanted to take a moment to thank you. The way you wrote peeta was so true to his character that I can’t help but feel connected to him in a sense I never experience any time I read the books. You depiction of the horrors he faces are so beautiful written that I just want to congratulate you. I hope you have continued to create such amazing works of art, if not FanFiction then your own stories. Best of luck in the future and thanks again for giving me another reason to love this fandom xx
Girlyspice chapter 25 . 3/28/2018
Oh goodness,i didn't think I could love these books anymore and then you have me peeta's POV 3 SO GOOD! Man,i cant even get over how good these books are
ryebrewster chapter 25 . 10/29/2017
I stumbled on this trilogy well after you had finished it, but I still want to let you know how fantastic it is. How it kept me up at night, wanting to binge-read 'just one more chapter.' You bring a besutiful and genuine voice to Peeta, and I think your observations of him from THG brought an authenticity to this thst is missing from many of the myriad Peeta POVs out there. Thank you so much for seeing this through.
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