Reviews for If The Kids Are United
RhizOneill chapter 32 . 5/17
Lovely surprise.
jordana60 chapter 32 . 5/13
What a pleasant surprise! By the way, I just finished rereading “Fates Wide Wheel”. I could read your stories over and over again. It’s like coming home
MewWinx96 chapter 31 . 5/1/2018
Hi! I just wanted to say that I enjoyed reading the story and I can't wait to read the next one in the series! :)
jordana60 chapter 31 . 8/17/2017
I didn't read this right away because I knew it was the last chapter and I didn't want it to be over! I'm so happy there is a 3rd part to this story. How else would I ever find out if Jess comes back from California and Rory comes back from Europe? Please don't leave me hanging too long...I wont be able to sleep well until I know if things are going to work out!
Okay, okay..I know they both come back, but I'm excited to see the Lit lovage when they reunite. I love Paris working with Luke!
Dreaming Haven chapter 31 . 8/17/2017
Great chapter! I can't wait for part 3 of this series!
AJ Granger chapter 31 . 8/17/2017
I really enjoyed this story, and I look forward to more. I really want to see Jess with a college level English class, and it will be interesting to see your take on Asher, Logan, and those other characters that became important for a time. Luke and Lorelai could already be married and with a child before anyone learns of April. Love the changes you have made.
Guest chapter 31 . 8/16/2017
Great chapter but you had me worried for a second that this was the end end. Can't wait until part 3 starts!
lucel18 chapter 31 . 8/16/2017
Looooooooove it, all of it...this should have been canon. You gave justice to Jess and Paris' characters more than canon ever did. I'm sooooooooo happy and content with everything you wrote, including rewrites of canon episodes. I'm so excited for the third part of this trilogy and to see how u fit Logan into your fic, Jess dealing with him and his attempts to flirt with Rory...I'm also looking forward to see what Jess' major going to be. Thank u!
RHatch89 chapter 31 . 8/16/2017
Awesome update :) This was a great story :)
BooksAreMedicine chapter 31 . 8/16/2017
Aw, so sweet that Paris has more than the Nannie here for her this time.

Jess's comments were brilliant! Paris could use some of his subtly in insulting others.

I love all the summer plans, please give us a one shot of Luke and Paris, a day in the life, please!

This was a wonderful second part, so many little changes and a few big ones that made for a great story.

I like how the characters evolved so much too.
RhizOneill chapter 31 . 8/16/2017
Awww what a great ending. Really enjoy reading this so much. I can't wait to read more of this series soon. Thanks for sharing this with us.
lucel18 chapter 30 . 8/8/2017
I'm soooooo sad this fic is nearing its end, but thank you so much for writing it along with the latest fluff in this chapter!
AJ Granger chapter 30 . 8/7/2017
Nice not of levity with Jess and Rory, but what a scene stealing moment with Luke and Lorelai.
jordana60 chapter 30 . 8/7/2017
I was not a fan of Rory's prom dress or hair in the show, and since I don't know if that's how she looked in this chapter, I am going to choose to give her a different blue dress, maybe a little more form fitting , yet 16 year old appropriate, and a half up do. I can picture Jess saying, "wow" to my version! Luke offering to help Rory with Yale came from the heart, and I could tell he meant it. I wish Lorelai hadn't asked Luke to marry him. Its not like I have anything against a woman proposing, it seemed like it was too spur of the moment. Okay...I admit it, I guess I am a little old fashioned. It would have been nice for Luke to do the proposing...but aanywhooo
Dreaming Haven chapter 30 . 8/7/2017
Good update. Lorelai making Rory do the cliche entrance is very in character. I also like how you made her propose to Luke similar but different.
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