Reviews for Perseus the Conqueror
Guest chapter 27 . 8/1
Poor nyx
Guest chapter 9 . 8/1
Are you ok now?
I want to know
MONKEYBINI chapter 61 . 8/1
Noo this is to incredible and you pit a cliffhanger, the meeting with Egyptian gods and why doesn't he use his doom aura
Guest chapter 35 . 7/26
Artemis DESIDED bianca woild join the hunters again !
NightFyl chapter 35 . 7/13
Oh, unexpected lemon
ManticoreBlues chapter 61 . 7/13
don't know how I feel about the level of influence and awareness Lucifer has on all these pantheon's or about the lost arm but everything else has been really fucking good so I suspect that I'll like what you come up with. so uhh yeah, hope you update/continue soon
NightFyl chapter 3 . 7/12
Asleep since he- are you saying the universe is only about three thousand years old?
fluffy-fanfic-lover chapter 61 . 7/2
is this dead a hiatus of this long usually spells the death of fics
Mr. Guy Person chapter 52 . 7/1
the start was better anyway
Anonymously96 chapter 2 . 6/24
Why not also return Annabeth to life if Chaos was so impressed?
Guest chapter 5 . 6/19
evil is a relative term
typersnyder chapter 61 . 6/18
Please update soonnnn! This is way to fucking good to quit on! Like as in the best Percy fic I have ever witnessed! This will forever be etched in my top 5! Maybe even in my Big Three! Haha! See what I did there? the Big Tree?
Overwhelminganxiety chapter 25 . 6/16
Tonight at eleven: DOOOOOOOOOM!
DarkestLight234 chapter 25 . 6/8
Wow you are ... so vanilla, like you are barely not spouting the bible's rules. This is for literally anyone: Why can't someone have sex before marrige? Marrige is a social construct, that blackmails partners into not leaving each other. You shouldn't need a contract in order to stay with your partner.
DarkestLight234 chapter 17 . 6/8
Do you think someone cant love more than one person? Are you actually that indoctrinated? That's like saying you can't feel parental love towards more than 2 people, of course you can.
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