Reviews for Starting Out at Six Feet Under
Nightraze chapter 2 . 7/31/2019
This is super interesting! I hope you decide to continue this story in the future.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/1/2018
Thanks, this was awesome!
Guest chapter 2 . 4/1/2018
isobu is my fav bijuu. i think your SI will be a good balance with him. lots of potential here. glad i read this.

good luck and best wishes to your medical health. i hope you make a full recovery.
Throwme-at-thewindow chapter 2 . 2/17/2018
can u update? :3
Ulsindhe chapter 1 . 7/16/2017
Woooh! This was a good start!
Siera-Knightwalker chapter 2 . 2/17/2017
Huh. Curious. Is anyone or zetsu gonna come soon?
Siera-Knightwalker chapter 1 . 2/17/2017
The Guruguru part is really funny. But now one of the most important plot characters is thought to be dead and missing... idiot.
Snow Dragon of the Moon chapter 2 . 1/4/2017
THAT was certainly a cliffhanger. A very good one and I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next. Her broken mostly secounds hand knowledge of the Naruverse has made her reactions and the way she behaves thus far more interesting.
I'm really curious about what will happen to her now. With the giant chakra becon she's putting out at the moment will the Konoha shinobi at the battle site detect her? Or will Zetsu get her and bring her to Obito and Madara? Or will she just bolt?
Onepiecelover4ever chapter 2 . 12/26/2016
Omg this is amazing! I love it!
markaren chapter 2 . 11/29/2016
I'm so happy to find this story is back up!

From one writer to another, never let someone convince you to delete a story. Each story is beautiful, a work of art crafted by its creator. Not all creators are Da Vinci, not all works the Mona Lisa, but they are works of art all the same. Some find modern art horrifying, some find it beautiful. But no matter how many people say a work is awful, it deserves to shine and be seen for others to look at.

Every time we read a story, it becomes a part of us. This part ranges from how not to do something, to life changing experiences. There was a story on a different website that I hated. I still hate it, and I think the author made horrible choices and will never recommend the story to anyone. But one small offhand remark made by the character I hated the most has stuck with me. It reminded me of how I was currently failing and helped inspire me to get off my ass and actually do something. I still failed, but at least I actually put in some effort. This time around I think I actually might succeed, and I don't know if reading that awful piece of literature is why. It might not be, but it might be the reason I graduate college.

Now I'm not going to pretend that every story affects it's readers that much, but as a story it has the potential to. As long as a story is able to be read, it is able to change anyone who reads it.

When I read your story, it inspired numerous ideas. None of them have made it to paper, but it created ideas all the same. I began searching for something your story made me think about in other works, and it spawned an idea that has made it to (digital) paper. It might actually get posted one day.

I might not be brave enough to finish reposting a story I wrote onto this website, but you were brave enough to put a story back on display after taking it down. I admire you for that, for being able to change your mind. I hope I can find the courage to continue writing after this semester ends.
Kunthea chapter 1 . 11/27/2016
It took me forever to find this story again, since the previous version was deleted, and I did not make an account or saved any bookmarks for the things I've read. I'm just happy I found this again, and was quite in shock that you had gotten harassed for it. This story was quite an enjoyment for me to read, so I'm quite happy for it to be put back up again, keep up the great work!
NatNicole chapter 2 . 11/24/2016
HOLY CHIZ, this fic is only 2 Chapters long but is absolutely freakin' AWESOME! *grins*
ChaozButterflytheory chapter 2 . 11/21/2016
I've been looking for this fic for a year. Please continue!
roilian chapter 2 . 11/7/2016
I'm so happy that you feel comfortable enough to share this story on FF again, I'm so upset at myself for not seeing it earlier. You're doing a great job with the repost and continue to do this fic justice. I know I'm awfully late on this but I hope your surgery went well and want to wish you the best.
Sublimey chapter 2 . 10/30/2016
Whoa chapter two was amazing! and yeah, i totally get how jenrin wouldn't always be partial to humor/parody moments considering their state of mind. I'm super exited to see where this sorry goes next! and i hope surgery went well!
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