Reviews for Regrettable Actions
brfrecks chapter 39 . 9/8
my favorite line.. Family, cant live with them, cant salt and burn them haha
StarStepper chapter 35 . 7/30
Hyrim really came for him lol
SupernaturalNova1981 chapter 39 . 5/20
OhMyGod! It's 550am and I just stayed up ALL NIGHT reading this! I could NOT put it down! I ached and cried right along with Sam. I hate you right now cuz I have tears in my fair and my eyes are crossed and I don't have more of this to read! lol I'm messed up ik Thanks so much for the emotional ride. ️
Guest chapter 17 . 12/22/2019
Sh*t ! is John gonna use sam as a bait ?!
Is he stubid ! The kid is prone to seizures for heaven's sake !
Jodiebo chapter 39 . 10/23/2019
Made me cry! I like your take on the teenchesters & I’m glad they stayed with Bobby ️ Great story, thanks so much for sharing!
Purple chapter 39 . 5/15/2019
I don't usually read fan-fics, but in my opinion this was amazing. The only bad thing is that it made me cry aha xD
blablableu chapter 38 . 5/6/2019
I accidentally posted the review for ch 37 before I was done. anyway, I love the contrast between the decrepit abandoned building they were staying in at the beginning at the story and Sam's new room. I want him to be back with Dean but I shudder at the thought of John "taking care" of them again. ch 38 was great! loved the reunion and I love Hy, he's such a smart boy
blablableu chapter 37 . 5/6/2019
I love this story! I read in one go until 4 am before I had to go to sleep
CastorLycan chapter 39 . 10/29/2017
Wow, this was such a fantastic story! I'm glad I discovered it. It's one of the few stories I've read that actually brought tears to my eyes, in several chapters! I'm so glad Dean and Sam were able to resolve everything at the end! Thank you for writing this :)
Sad-Blue-Eyed-Angel 2010 chapter 39 . 9/4/2017
Okay, where are those onion ninjas? This story made me cry, laugh, smile and I felt my heart break more than once for Sam and Dean...but mostly Sam. He was so selfless, but I found myself wanting to knock him over the head with a sheaf of papers when he proposed to his dad that he leave. I was blubbering up until Sam commented Hy looked like a Giraffe when he was trying to practice with that juggling ball. Fantastic story and definitely going in my favorites.
JennLark chapter 14 . 8/23/2017
Oh Sammy! I cried both times I have read this story! Excellent writing!
Camilla chapter 39 . 8/19/2017
It's been a long time since I have sit through a whole story! Specially one that has practically 40 chapters!
I cried in severa chapters :'( specially when John agreed with Sam's ideas. TBH I thought Sam's character was spot on, Dean's was a little ooc but oh well, he is a teenager here so I totally understood. But John?! It hurt me to read how he was like in this story. He was so mean to Sam :'( I was kinda expecting a plot twist that would reveal John had been on some kind of spell of something, bc I couldn't understand why he was so mean :'(((
I loved this story! so much angst, my fav ;) thanks u for it!
sh91767 chapter 39 . 4/25/2017
Sammy was way too forgiving in this story. The story was well written and drama at every turn, but what Dean did to him by telling John about Sam "using" drugs when it should have been obvious he was not, while using drugs for real himself, no explanation could justify that. Sam should never trust John or Dean again. Sorry.
Aeris21321 chapter 39 . 1/28/2017
This is so freaking amazing! I rarely read long fanfics cause im impatient this was so good. cant wait to check out other stuff u've written
RememberGil chapter 20 . 1/15/2017
In the name of baby Jezus, you like to torture the Winchester family don't you?
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