Reviews for Soil & Trouble
Wow chapter 17 . 2/11/2018

I nearly cried for poor Lisa. She’s not a monster. She just wants to help.
Wowow chapter 1 . 1/23/2018
Okay, I agree. Lisa is amusing.
Rock-O-Jello chapter 1 . 1/1/2018
youve got a nice concept here, but you sorta lost momentum and kept throwing bad thing after bad thing out there. when u gonna update tho?

StolenMemes77 chapter 18 . 9/12/2017
So is this fic dead? Or just on a hiatus?
PrototypeGaming chapter 2 . 8/2/2017
FanficFan920 chapter 18 . 6/18/2017
Wow. Just. Wow. The family is truly divided in half. This is like Civil War, but with way more personal stakes AND everyone is handling it their own way.
While Reqiuem has touching and heartwarming moments, there is an aura of resignation, but here, there's conflict to go with that. Everyone is dealing with it their own way. Picking sides, deciding moves. This is a very intriguing fic. One of the best in the fandom.
FanficFan920 chapter 17 . 6/18/2017
Wow. That escalated quickly. You should have called this chapter Loud House: Civil War. I totally get both sides of the argument. I don't know what to do!
FanficFan920 chapter 16 . 6/18/2017
HA! That ending was priceless. The tension could have been cut with a knife, and then Lily started talking, and then Lori cracked that joke. HAHAHA! Oh man!
FanficFan920 chapter 13 . 6/18/2017
God damn it! This rivals "Requiem for a Loud" in levels of sadness, yet heart warmth at the same time. I can't believe you turned a scene between Lynn and Lisa into a tearjerker. Well done.
m chapter 18 . 6/16/2017
i love this story
Lana Loud chapter 18 . 5/20/2017
Amazing story, I'm so interesting in what's gonna happen next! Please continue!
Omega Ultra chapter 18 . 3/23/2017
Wow... that last scene was really heart wrenching.

I love how you've managed to justify everyone's actions in this chapter, it really built the world more and is giving us an insight as to why things are happening the way they are.

Though, I feel that there was too much filler present, for example, the Lincoln segment feels like it was added in just to make sure everyone got a scene.

Great job though mate, I rate 9/10!
Marauder of Our Stars chapter 14 . 3/22/2017
Hope ya feel better! Anyways, (I'm joking about the part after this review intermission, don't change a thing about this chapter) "right as rain", *cringes* bad wording!
Mew Shadowfang chapter 18 . 3/22/2017
I think I'd rather you write out the whole thing and give it to us every two days, or three, or four or five or six or weekly then have monthly updates. Nothing like long hiatus followed up by daily bursts of content. Just gotta make sure the hiatus actually ends and doesn't go on forever.
Hey look, the family is divided now. Everyone's positions are now completely clear (except Leni, but I think we can guess which side she's on, also no Lisa perspective because she's probably too shattered to even be on a side right now)
Poor Leni though. She was lied to once and a coma became the result. Now she's being lied to a second time, and the result is losing a family member temporarily. Which is basically equivalent to a coma but worse because you can't visit/see said member.
Marauder of Our Stars chapter 6 . 3/22/2017
In the second paragraph, you forgot the apostrophe in Lori's. I'm guessing (and hoping) Lana's brain will "reboot" at the end of the story. As always, keep up the good work!
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