Reviews for The Boy in the Snow
Cass chapter 1 . 4/23
Ahh I love this fic! It’s such a cool concept and so amazingly written!
Samansa-chan147 chapter 18 . 2/17
I found d this story through fanart found on Tumblr. I just read through the whole thing today! I loved it I loved the characterization, I loved the elements you kept and the elements you changed, I loved the whole thing!
Anon S chapter 18 . 12/28/2019
Curious to see where the bit with the Cirque goes.

Haha 'von what' lmao to be fair i had that thought as well the first time reading.

! Madame Octa!

Ah so Larten knows about the situation w/ Lucas's family then?

- Anon S
Anon S chapter 17 . 12/28/2019
A bunch of little flashback scenes as well pad out this chapter, giving the fic a bit more life.

They are sending Lerten out with him eh?

Curious the whole people-in-lucas's-apartment thing.

Oh, the cirque is b
Anon S chapter 16 . 12/28/2019
So the Princes ended up being open about all the deets then, not juat some.

I suppose the, ah, tenseness isnt going to go away for some time, if at all. Let alone the whole Human As A Guest thing.

- Anon S
Anon S chapter 15 . 12/28/2019
Well Vancha letting them know after Darren had been sent off would of alleviated some of the nasty surprises, though i imagine there is still many, many, questions.

Ah so it's a secluded labratory, that particular detail slipped my mind it would seem. I in hindsight associated the lab with the initial stop at the office.

Reunion time! Though it'd warrant explanation of course.

That went over more readily than i expected, a neat sounding 'lil room though.

Lmao what a way to find out somebody spilled something that was supposed to stay secret xD
But yes, presumed dead.

-Anon S.
Anon S chapter 14 . 12/28/2019
Lmao fic logic is waht it is, made up or things tweaked to fit the setting/purpose even if that logic doesnt apply to real life is a thing that is common in fic.

Tiny had plans but Darren was too trusting w/ Steve as well probably.
I wonder if Tiny 'knew' but didnt want to give anything away or the situation severed Darrens connection with Tiny as well.

I wonder who it is crunching around in the snow?

Also how did they know about this place anyway? Was it one of Lucas's home away from homes or Darren knowing about a vampire hidey hole and they just used that?

Oh? Vancha huh, well i suppose that'd be quite the surprise and...means they wont have to fight anyone off? Maybe. Possibly.

...So Vancha was being a Curious Bean then

So the treatment for the mercury poisoning to see if that'd clear anything up was delayed in favour of informing the dudes...that said...why didnt Vancha remotely notify instead of sending Darren.

-Anon S
Anon S chapter 13 . 12/28/2019
Well that clears up the timing issue.

My main gripe i must say was the immediance of it all, being something that should take root over time as the toxins take root, so in hindsight should of been a little less immediate, but fic logic i suppose.

Poor Larten though, assuming Darren to be as good as dead.

At least the two talked! Instead of staying silent about it, that mutual connection having given Larten and Kaleb something to talk about during the process of greiving.

My Tiny eh? No doubt going to be all cryptic about something.

-Anon W
Anon S chapter 12 . 12/28/2019
Oh's presumed mercury poisoning that's responsible? Probably not the sole reason.

So...Steve and his cronies did Mya in huh?

So...did Darren loose track of time? Since the event is happening while this is all going down.

-Anon S
Anon S chapter 11 . 12/28/2019
Screw it i have time to kill may as well read a few more chapters.

I wonder if Darren gets there in time or ends up having to miss it and turns up late.

Ah so it was...severed? Not just a one way street like the other three?

Poor Larten is mourning.

Vancha offering wise advice once again. I wonder how different things would of been if the connection was one way like the other three were.

-Anon S
Anon S chapter 10 . 12/28/2019
Darren eager to say goodbyes first instead of just dissapearing straight off eh?


Even more curious, i wonder what connections the two have with vampires that it appears to be family knowledge instead of flukes of chance.

Oh, there it is.

I do wonder what winds up happening or if they find anything at all or if it ends up being a total mystery.

-Anon S
Anon S chapter 9 . 12/28/2019
Steve is trying to be buddy-buddy, that aside i'm curious still, even more so that Steve has been borderline secretive about what his job IS.

Huh, wonder what's up.

Curious hiw Mya /knows/ but hey i suppose there is stranger things, like, say, Steve actin' all weird.

Okay so it definitely is strange Vampire Hunter bullshittery.

Well this is...quite the pickle. I wonder if he'll make it before he runs into more trouble, also, i wonder if he'll be followed or whatever.

-Anon S
Anon S chapter 8 . 12/28/2019
So a job somewhere?

Oh quite the time skip, i wonder what else happened in those few years.

And we get to see Kaleb again.

Oh? Steve huh? I wonder how he plays into this, what kind of person is he in this fic i wonder.

-Anon S
Anon S chapter 7 . 12/28/2019
A useful skill to know one's way around a map, even if it's viewed as trivial due to being an undervalued skill.

I suppose being used to the quiet no less it would seem extra hectic.


He appears to be giving up, though it is a thing in Darrens case he'd have to get used to, another vampire more used to things to help ease off the anxiety and help him through would of been a wise call.

Well Vancha's pep talk helped him perservere.

An start? Two nights in town and i wonder what'll wind up happening.

-Anon S
Anon S chapter 6 . 12/28/2019
Oh dear it appears my emoticon attempts didnt translate well.

How sweet! Kurda even made a marked map.

Larten is fussing, with good reason, a bit overbearing perhaps but meaning well.

Haha i suppose it sounds bonkers when you put it that way xD

A curious little mission.

An even more curious dilemma. A broken link somehow?

Well then, i wonder what the 'leave us alone' message means, did they start beef which got the hunters attention or were the hunters trying to be intimidating?

The pacing is a bit quick but nothing's perfect.

Oh dear, Larten isnt going to like this...
I imagine Gavner is going to get quite the earful.

-Anon S
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