Reviews for From the Desk of the Chief
Guest chapter 2 . 8/5
I love this
Guest chapter 1 . 8/5
Who gave the fox crayons omg I’m wheezing hahahahaha
Jessica chapter 3 . 6/12
I'm conflicted by this. On the one hand the story is hilarious. On the other hand, based on what's happening today, I really don't think a story about two cops using questionable interrogation tactics is that funny.
Lupin1968 chapter 14 . 1/27
Excellent and enjoyable read. Wish I had read them before I started my first story "Bellwether's Legacy", making the report more interesting to read.
nightmane chapter 10 . 1/26
Is it bad to say that I miss the narrator he had before they got fired?
seakard chapter 14 . 1/9
I could honestly see the post-ending one of 3 ways.
1: Nick returns in morning, starts doing multiple pranks
on EVERYONE involved in his humiliation. Ends up
either Fired, Suspended, OR in jail.
2: Nick being Broken, and NEVER EVER pulling another
prank, telling ANY Jokes, or doing a report OTHER
THAN Professionally until the end of his career.
Basically, becoming MORE of a wall than a cop.
3: What I woulda done in his case (and, indeed, HAVE
Done VERY Close to the following.) Leave. The. City.
Go tell the boss "Congrats. You won. Here's your
prize!" And tossed my badge, guns, work clothes
on his desk and walked away. Tell the girlfriend
that HELPED to set up my public humiliation.
"Congrats! You helped the boss win and ALSO
HUMILIATED ME, your MATE. Here's YOUR Prize!"
Handed HER keys for the apartment, an
engagement ring, and gone away.
seakard chapter 13 . 1/9
Ok, another confusion. One minute Perry is a SHEEP, then moments later he is a BADGER. WTF? Rest sounded like a normal anti PoliTICKal argument, but still, Well Written!
seakard chapter 12 . 1/9
That was funny, those Tough Guys TRYING to say a phrase how NONE of them normally Would. Fun Fact from "The Unusual Suspects" scene. One of the actors had passed gas quite ... "Fragrently" ... just as the scene started! THATS why they couldn't Stop Laughing! I wonder if any of THEOR Suspects did the same? That COULD be counted as Torture by leaving them In the room!
seakard chapter 11 . 1/9
I don't understand the case being 7nder review. The suspect attacks Nick, then says a number of slurs AGAINST HIM. So, how was HE harassing HER? Just by being a Male FOX? Hu needs an enema!
seakard chapter 10 . 1/9
Heh, even NICK couldn't do a fancy story for such a ... Simple ... Case. Poor poor Bogo.
seakard chapter 7 . 1/9
Well, at LEAST Barney didn't try to shoot his gun! Tho if he had KNOW it was JUDY'S Fox he was arresting, he MAYA thought about it seriously!
seakard chapter 5 . 1/9
Time was a BIT mixed up. Was it A year we was missing? Multiple years? I got confused.
seakard chapter 3 . 1/8
seakard chapter 2 . 1/8
Oh God. Oh God. Oh GOD! I Think I'ma gonna PEE myself if you keep this up! My ribs! My Poor Poor RIBS! I'm Suffering Succotash, and it's ALL YER FAULT fro writing too PERFECTLY! I already accidentally knocked my poor Lil dog onto the floor. TWICE!
Guest chapter 14 . 11/10/2019
carma se llama carma por rata jaja
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