Reviews for Oral History of the Zombie War: Supplemental Stories
Zoidberg chapter 1 . 7/3
Your story is bad and you should feel bad.
Mr. Bluu chapter 1 . 3/8
BetaBass chapter 1 . 10/31/2019
Hello, don't know if people check this story's comments or the general listings.
I just wanted to thank everyone for the feedback on World War Z: Supplemental Stories. It has been years since I dropped this story. Life happened, and I spent a couple of years having forgotten about this story. I only recently unearthed my flash drive with my old stories and brain litter on it. I figured I’d come back and post the couple of follow-up chapters I had written, but found that I couldn’t remember my password to the BetaBrass account and couldn’t even recover the email account I had used. I’ve had to create a new account with the username BetaBass (I just dropped the ‘r’.) I apologize for the inconvenience.
I don't anticipate a ton of extra material for this story - I really just had the two additional chapters written, with a couple of additional characters kind of floating around but undeveloped. At the least, World War Z: Supplemental Stories, Continued will contain two chapters that I just needed to clean up for grammar and such. Perhaps down the road new chapters will pop up, but I'll otherwise mark the story as complete.
Guest chapter 3 . 10/14/2019
I didn't understand the extreme comments until this chapter. It definitely sounds liberal. But this is in line with the tone Max Brooks set out, so I'm happy with this rendition. I don't know if there will be more since it looks like its been abandoned but ill be checking back on it in case.
theherocomplex chapter 4 . 2/19/2019
Oooh, I will need to reread this soon, but I am so delighted that you used my area and my consortium for this fic! Wonderful work, seriously.
Max chapter 1 . 2/12/2019
I find it extremely sad that one person has continued to return to this wonderful story, over and over, to post meaningless and badly written comments. Honestly, do you have nothing better to do? Your life must be sad and lonely.

Honestly, how did you make it through World War Z without noticing the anti-materialist and anti-capitalist themes? I hate to break it to you, buddy, but Breckinridge Scott is a bad guy. You're not supposed to like him.

Anyway, just returning to say that I'm still holding out hope that the author will continue this marvelous piece of fanwork! I've recommended it to many others, and if this is the end of this story, I am at least hoping for more stories from the WWZ universe! Keep up the great work!
~Not Max Brooks
No just no chapter 1 . 8/12/2018
You and that Fluffle moron have no idea how to write a good story. Your leftie body politic is soapbox that poisons entertainment. Your story is laughable and contemptible. You are cucks and you libtards.
FlufflePufflePonies chapter 1 . 8/8/2018
I've read through all the chapters, and its a very fun and interesting read. The other reviewers except for that one nice guy are butthurt losers who do nothing but involve politics and their hatred of "libcucks" with every single facet of life. They don't even have the gall to leave a link for discussion, since they know they can't actually win any arguments lmfao.

That aside, great story, very fun read. Always nice to see other near identical works to Mr. Brooks'.
You suck chapter 2 . 4/29/2018
Keep your liberal arts trust fund crap out of fanfiction and politics. The same goes for Max. Your story is terrible for the utter cuckholdery you shill for. Reality is any survival situation the social justice types either die first, eat other, or side with the people that threaten to destroy society. You tried to pass another socialist essay as a legitmate fanfiction and have failed. You cannot write a decent story to save your life.
Max chapter 4 . 3/1/2018
Don't listen to whoever that sorry cretin is. I don't know if you're still checking this, but this has to be, without a doubt, one of the best stories I've read set in this universe. It fits perfectly with the tone, is well-researched, and the characters are interesting and believable. I hope you continue this!
~Not Max Brooks
Notyourconcern chapter 1 . 9/30/2017
Your stupid red rat manifesto is proof that SJWs ruin everything they get involved with. This is a fanfiction but a Tumblr whine virtue signaling fest. Your “story” is awful and you should feel awful.