Reviews for How To Love
UnknownReaderHasJoined chapter 5 . 8/31
Ahhh I love the occasional Finn stories, especially done so well like this.
frannie2345 chapter 5 . 8/11
please update
RavenKnightBlackRose chapter 1 . 4/21
I’m loving your story~! Can’t wait to see more!
thecrazyshipper3746 chapter 5 . 4/20
I love this book it’s amazing
dogsrulz77 chapter 5 . 11/11/2019
I loved it!
Panda Enchantress chapter 5 . 6/11/2019
Oml you updated! I read this story awhile back and thought you abandoned it so didnt bother following. Then i went back to reread it and realized you updated!
joanna83 chapter 1 . 3/19/2019
you write so well..i love all the cute interaction with his family..n kol is so cute as the annoying youngest brother..
Rose099 chapter 5 . 2/24/2019
GrandMasterMeg chapter 4 . 2/10/2019
I love the Mikaelson Brotherly Bonding/Love that happens in this chapter. I find it completely realistic that Niklaus is the sibling that laughs at everything remotely funny, Elijah is the only on trying to be completely serious but can crack a smile and chuckle at anything, Kol is just that twerpy little brother who makes inappropriate remarks and enjoys picking fun at people and given enough time Finn would turn out to be a combination of Niklaus and Elijah as the eldest. I hope with time Finn gets more comfortable around his family and soon we’ll see Rebekah in on the Mikaelson Bonding Time. It’s a great book so far and I love it!
Jana chapter 5 . 8/4/2018
hi there :) I was hiping for your next chapters :) the story is so beautiful and awesome... its the best... thank you so much for the story you are writing :) I love it
Mixie18 chapter 5 . 7/27/2018
Great story, I can't wait to read the next one
Whexasian4lyfe chapter 5 . 7/24/2018
I am so hopelessly in love with this story it’s not even funny. Finn was never a character I took an interest in, mainly because he appeared so one dimensional in the tv series, but on the other hand that leaves much more room for writers to play around with him and I am absolutely smitten with yours. The banter between the brothers fluctuating between light-hearted and heavy is absolutely delightful and everything that I had hoped would develop in the series (but never did, at least before I gave up on it). This story is wonderful, you’re amazing, and I am eagerly waiting for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/24/2018
Can you talk about how finn was paralyzed but awake for 900 years please? Hearing that broke my heart and made me understand his action's a little more.
Guest chapter 5 . 6/20/2018
I love this story please update soon
bnm chapter 5 . 6/15/2018
great story, thanks. will marie get pregnant?
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