Reviews for A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
SandyJump chapter 25 . 7/15/2018
u should do more stories on "The further stories of Ainsley, Johnny and Hunter."
Guest chapter 25 . 12/30/2016
Oh my lordie this was so good! Bravo
Corrine chapter 25 . 12/11/2016
TBH, I suspected Tim all along. He had the perfect motive for wanting them dead. The other suspects had motives to not like them, but their personalities were too unlikable. Obviously, the crook would want them to think that he didn't hold a grudge to keep himself from being a suspect. I think they were there to keep people second guessing who it might be. It was an interesting story that kept me reading the whole way through. Sorry I didn't comment until now, I am really not good at leaving comments like I should :)

BTW, is there a chance for a sequel where Kate gets one of the guys (Mike?)? She sort of gets left out, but she does all the work :( I feel bad for her.
Ryn chapter 21 . 12/10/2016
I was reluctant starting the story but rapidly became involved in the storyline. I am so glad you made Mike such an active participant with such well timed words of wisdom and as a man of action. Sad to say but nowadays it really is guilty until proven innocent.
Beaglewhisperer27 chapter 25 . 12/12/2016
I didn't say it before in earlier reviews, but I love that Johnny got a German Shepard. They are loyal and wonderful dogs, and I'm sure Chief will do a great job protecting his family.

Well Johnny didn't have to deliver his son much to his relief, although I'm sure he would have done fine. :) LOL at Dixie's comment to Johnny when she showed him his son. I'm glad that the doctors were able to save Ainsley's uterus and that her and Johnny can try for another baby; hopefully a girl.

Rob and Tim's deaths were tragedies that were out of the control of the men of Station 51. Ainsley was right in her talk with Johnny; Tim was blinded by grief. The best way for Johnny to honor his fallen colleagues to to live a long (hopefully) and happy life with his family and do his job to the best of his ability.

I went back and read some of the other reviews and wanted to share a personal story about fathers being more hands on during the pregnancy and the birth. In that era some hospitals were starting to allow fathers to be with their wives during the delivery. I was born in 1972. When my mother went into labor my father asked to be in the delivery room and was told what to expect. He was also told that if they saw he wasn't able to handle it or caused problems for the doctors he would be escorted out. He was ultimately allowed in and did fine. This was in a hospital in a very conservative town in the Midwest. My father was also present during some of my mother's doctor's appointments.

Had Ainsley had a vaginal delivery I'm sure that the doctors would have allowed Johnny in the delivery room. He's a Paramedic who has experience delivering babies, so I don't think there would have been any issue with him being present. The only issue with Johnny being present during the early doctor's appointments would be the fact that him and Ainsley weren't married yet. That would definitely have raised some eyebrows.

I thought you did a fine job with this story and I look forward to more from you. Maybe even finish Photographs. Hint, hint. ;)
Beaglewhisperer27 chapter 24 . 12/11/2016
Tim was insane and wasn't able to think clearly. If his girlfriend deserted him as a result of his injuries, then she wasn't worth his time. Just because she rejected him doesn't mean other people would have. What a shame that Tim couldn't see that and turned to hate instead. His late partner would have been horrified to see what he'd turned into.

Thank goodness that the Ainsley and the baby are okay.
Beaglewhisperer27 chapter 23 . 12/10/2016
So it was Tim after all. I suspected him early on but dismissed the idea when you introduced other suspects. I started suspecting him again when he snapped at Johnny at the accident scene and his reaction to Johnny's wedding news.
Guest chapter 21 . 12/6/2016
So that explains Rich Neal's animosity towards the Fire Department. That was a nice twist. He definitely has a motive.

Johnny is so good to Ainsley. I think he made the right choice in choosing her. I didn't hate Kate, but didn't think she was right for Johnny. I'm glad Johnny and Kate made peace with each other.
Hann82 chapter 25 . 12/8/2016
Yes! this is my first ever review i love this story sooo much! i thought the arsonist was tim... i started questioning it when tim got injured in the accident and he got really mad at john for really no reason. This is a wonderful story, i would love to see a part 2 of this story bout life after this event. Keep up the great work!
Donna chapter 25 . 12/5/2016
I'm glad they got arsonist Tim and glad Mrs Gages and unborn baby was okay now they have son they are working on girl hope it happen and hope that keep on writing on them I love these two I'm glad they live down the street from one another I love puppy they name chief great name I glad arsonist is final caught I kind was wondering if was time I never knew were rob got came in how was Roy & Cap to blame for his partner dead it was accident why would you hurt people please don't stop I love this story I want to see what come next for them. It was best I read keep going.
Guest chapter 25 . 12/5/2016
good job
Beaglewhisperer27 chapter 22 . 12/6/2016
The Guest review for Chapter 21 was me. I loved the wedding and the surprise with the puppy. And of course Chet can't resist getting a dig in on Johnny. :)

It sounds like the arsonist is getting more and more desperate now that his attempt to disrupt the wedding failed. It sounds like the police are on to him whoever he is. It looks like there is no shortage of suspects, but I think the arsonist is who I suspected towards the beginning of your story. I'll have to see if I'm right.
Hann chapter 25 . 12/4/2016
Wow! amazing performance! i am soo gonna miss this story... i really thought it was rich neal he had motive and everything, but then it turned out to be tim... lol! keep me guessing. i think that you have a beautiful begining story and think you should write more off of the story characters here.. Cant wait for your next story!
warren.holtzman chapter 25 . 12/6/2016
Excellent - Hope to see some follow up Ainsley / Johnny stories!
Guest chapter 22 . 12/3/2016
Please finish this story. Who is the arsonist. What sex is the baby.
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