Reviews for Faith, Trust, and Just a Smidgen of Magic
plutoplex chapter 2 . 10/20/2016
A promising start so far. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it.
Amarenima Redwood chapter 2 . 10/19/2016
Brilliant chapter! Update soon!
Vadimmom chapter 2 . 10/19/2016
Tonks is such a fun character. Severus and her are an unusual combination. Looking forward to more after this interesting start.
Patricia the Leprechaun of God chapter 1 . 10/18/2016
Oh my gosh, it's only the first chapter and already I'm BLOWN AWAY by how amazing your writing skills are! I love how you established a relationship between Tonks and Sirius - will things be like they are in the books where James and Lily die and Sirius is thrown into Azkaban? It's obviously an AU (which I'm cool with), but I'm just wondering if you're going to include any canon aspects in this. :) Or is it just focusing on them as children now? Oh, I also want to say that I LOVE how you gave Tonks' parents some personality. Keep up the good work!