Reviews for Before the start
zeppelinandunicorns chapter 9 . 7/22
I know you haven't updated in over a year but this is such a good story! I hope you update it someday, I'm curious as hell to know what's going to happen next
Jass1 chapter 9 . 7/16
OMG! A That 70's show ? BTVS crossover ! My two favorite show. Write more, write more, pretty please !
Rachel chapter 9 . 7/20/2019
OMG! There better be more! This story is so good! I love how you write. It sucked me in right from the being and I can't wait for more!
Rachel chapter 7 . 7/20/2019
I'm loving this story! So glad you updated! Please don't give up on it!
Mea chapter 8 . 1/11/2019
Unexpected turn of events,but I really like it!
Deimanciukas chapter 8 . 9/23/2018
I love this chapter. Really good. First something about Fez, it's nice he already knew about vampires and the slayers and that information about his home, about his people. I really love that small scene between Jackie and Hyde when Spike showed his demon face. Oh and don't forget how Spike and Sin met, their conversation. I felt really sorry for Sin, she doesn't deserved what happened to her when she became The Chosen One, The Slayer. And Spike, he's a bit different but the same too. I really want to know more.
Guest chapter 7 . 9/1/2018
Oh boy I am so thick and apparently naive.
I really thought that because of Sins name and with Ireland as her home country that she fought in the Ireland/Nothern Ireland conflict as a member of the IRA or more specifically the Sinn Fein Party. It would have fit perfectly in the timeline.
After you did not update for a while, before you published the last two chapters, I was wondering if Sin got killed fighting.
But luckily she is very much alive and your turn and twist of the plot is so much better than my lame attempt of thinking. You are a genius, because I like T 70s show and I like the Buffyverse esp. Spike and you combined them. Hooray and bows head. I can only repeat and honestly say that I never saw that coming. Spike already revealed something about Jackies real background but I am so eager to find out what that means for her/ and the others future and about what we will find out about Hydes, Erics and Fes background! Oh and by the way thanks for treating Sam and Donna the only way they deserve. In my opinion Donna could use far more ass kicking anyhow and because I think that she wont retreat easily- at least not without a big fight/ throwing a big tantrum.
Deimanciukas chapter 7 . 9/1/2018
I love Spike! Than I'm first begin reading fanfic it was because of Buffy. Spike always been one of my favorite characters in all Buffyverse. And I love this chapter. Some Jackie and Hyde and some of Sin. And that bit about Jackie... So waiting for more!
80sUnLoveChild chapter 7 . 8/31/2018
Love the twist :)
Deimanciukas chapter 6 . 8/30/2018
Thank You! It's mean a lot and I'm so glad you post it! About this chapter - it's big and there's lot of hard emotions. In this chapter Hyde is different, when he saw his long lost friend he broke down and he admitted that he lost his way. It's kind of sweet that you wrote Eric so loyal, he wanted to go to Africa, but still chose to stay for his friends and how Jackie is trusting him that he'd protect her from others. And Fez, he's so different, he's much braver and I like his new attitude. It's still interesting how Donna and Kelso still not know about that little kind of matching tattoos on their wrists? And finally Sin is back, I'm not sure if I like that you make her think that she's responsible for every mistake her friends done, how their life gone down but I know it's need to be done and knowing that she got a big secret and her life isn't that light I kind of understand. I like this chapter and I really like Sin and I really want to know what she really is. She's different and wise and fun and she's their mentor and even confidant.
P. S. And again THANK YOU! Thank you for your word in your A/N. I never thought that that review I wrote few night ago could be mentioned in your's A/N it's really made me happy and THANK YOU that you posted another chapter for me! And Good Luck with your non-fanfic writing!
Deimanciukas chapter 5 . 8/27/2018
I really love your writing. I already read 3 of your stories and this one and "Spur of the moment" are something I really looking forward. I like stories about their friendship and you wrote it so good. I read "Things changes", I liked it but it this story is made me love your writing. So I guess I just have to ask you to post it again someday and I'm going to wait for it.
By the way I like how you portrayed Fez, he was different around Sin and it was nice to read.
Goldenbassets chapter 5 . 1/14/2018
Oh I am so so glad you're back! I have loved this story so much! I think Fez is an excellent addition to Sin's group of specials. He makes sense as the one to keep the friends young and make sure they still have fun. He will be the one to do that. I love how Hyde and Eric played good cop and bad cop with Jackie over her getting back with Kelso. That is so very them. Ahh, I'm so happy you're back!
Goldenbassets chapter 4 . 11/17/2017
This is an excellent story! I love the character of Sin. I love how she helped Hyde, Jackie and Eric become best friends over the summer. I always felt Donna and kelso were less than kind towards them and definitely weren't as good of friends as they could have been. Ok, they were just plain dillholes. The friendship tattoos were a lovely touch and I'd love to see what happens when Donna and Kelso notice them. I think you've got the makings of a fantastic story here and I can't wait to see where you take it!
Guest chapter 4 . 8/17/2017
You always manage to create a character that I immediately like and enjoy. I really want to see where you go with this. I have never seen Buddy the Vampire Slayer so I don't know if that relates to Sin in some way but I need more! I love their friendship and their matching tattoos and for Eric's sake I hope Donna learns to be less arrogant and a little more open minded in this story
Guest chapter 3 . 1/4/2017
I like your story so far. I really like how your building the relationship with Jackie and every one and develop Eric and Hyde's. Can't wait to see what happens next. I hope you update soon.
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