Reviews for The Loli Campione
NoXVZhuusox chapter 20 . 8/11
Hey, if you do continue this, will you use the Mona Lisa painting as a catalyst for Illya to summon the Caster Servant Da Vinci?
NyxSky chapter 2 . 8/4
waw OP
Ferocious Nightfury chapter 21 . 7/25
Damn... gotta update this shit soon bro! This fic is awesome! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Ferocious Nightfury chapter 19 . 7/24
Awww... tamamo or medea would have been awesome as caster! Young medea is especially cool!
Ferocious Nightfury chapter 6 . 7/23
When is she going to get caster and assassin anyway? Tamamo and jack please!?
Shadowuser0112 chapter 21 . 7/22
RIP, this story was good
Pogs21 chapter 21 . 6/26
More plz plz
Pogs21 chapter 10 . 6/26
Sir Anger chapter 6 . 6/23
Nothing makes sense, the grammar and sentence structure is terrible while the story is boring because all you’re doing is hiding and being a pussy
Sir Anger chapter 5 . 6/23
Why are they running away. What are they going to be able to do to four servants and a champione? The grammar is terrible and is making this hard to read not to mention the fact that saber is annoying as hell
Sir Anger chapter 2 . 6/23
Why are they running away from a few magi she has the two strongest servants with her it literally makes no sense
Sir Anger chapter 1 . 6/23
The grammar is terrible and makes the fix hard to read
kept123 chapter 21 . 5/23
More chapters please
PoofyOhio chapter 6 . 4/4
This was such a clusterfuck of miscommunication, it’s so bad it actually gave me some anxiety. It’s the best way to describe this fic, just all a horrible communication mix up.
Guest chapter 18 . 2/23
Is desperate for an update ;-;...Please
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