Reviews for Mystic Messenger: Parity
AmazonGold chapter 34 . 1/16
This story has me gripped! You are an excellent writer and your grasp of characterisation is impeccable! Can't wait to see what future chapters bring!
Noiryn chapter 34 . 1/3
Strawpoll can be found at :

nervousdreamwriter19 chapter 34 . 1/3
Too short! So good! Much feels!
nervousdreamwriter19 chapter 33 . 12/20/2019
Hot dang this was a good chapter. Im not ready for it to be over its too good. This is a masterpiece and i can practically feel the emotions. You are amazing!
lukeskywalkeer chapter 22 . 12/14/2019
The way you write is beautiful. It's wonderful to see your take on the behavior of these characters. I dare to say that you are doing an amazing job at keeping true to their in-game personalities
FadedPhantom chapter 22 . 4/27/2018
Soooo good! Ahhh finally Seven is gonna be honest about his feelings! I can't wait for Miyeon to tell him about her brother too... And everything at Mint Eye! I know you're gonna spice all that up so well~ Thank you for the update, please post more soon! (Also I hope your finger is okay now!)
Jurie Yang chapter 21 . 4/20/2018
i havent finished chapter 21 yet lolol i just wanted to say. Wow! you really are so amazing and awesome, gosh seriously thank you for bestowing upon such a lengthy and beautiful chapter! but hey dk if im just looking on to it too much, as the story progresses and reveals more about Minyeong, especially about her family, she's much more similar to Saeran than to 707..((taking back what i said from a previous review lololboth has*cough brother cough* issues, but what really caught my attention is what saeran said to seven, i went back to chapter 9, minyeong saying the same things to his brother.. Gosh I'm starting to get embarassed. Haha, now im pretty sure that i indeed am looking on to it too much, Wellllll that's just my two cents, again thank you so much! sorry i'm trying my best not to sound overenthusiasitic but i cant help it. Can't wait for the next update! then again-take your time, no need to rush hehe
Jurie Yang chapter 21 . 4/20/2018
out of all mysme fics I've read, personally for me, this is the best portrayal of 707's character, thank you so much for this!
Jurie Yang chapter 8 . 4/19/2018
Jurie Yang chapter 8 . 4/19/2018
Miyeon's character.. is so relaxing, she's so kind to everyone but not to herself and i wouldnt say she's quiet but she's kinda is? even though mostly it's been her POV in the past 8 chapters I've read, she seems to refuse to talk about herself, similar to 707, I'm kinda nervous of how theyre gonna interact as they learn more about each other. Her POV is kinda bias, she criticizes herself alot, and avoids thinking about her father and brother, and maybe it was me fast reading again lolol, but his brother's death or disappearance is still kinda unclear, but then again im still just on chapter 8 lololol I have high hopes that everyone of them will be developing little by little especially precious Minyeong, Welp. BTW i just want to say that I appreciate you for making this great story and i can see the effort put into it, I really i really love lengthy chapters especially when I'm hook/immersed in the story, Thank you so much for that!
FadedPhantom chapter 21 . 3/17/2018
I looooove this story so much! It’s so well written, and I love Miyeon. I read this until my eyes hurt! The only thing is the site seems to be removing a few words here and there? Most prominently PHD Pepper. It probably thinks you’re trying to link a website if you put a period in the wrong spot? Ugh it’s happened to me on this site too... so I just wanted to give you a heads up in case you hadn’t noticed! I was able to decipher most of the sentences with missing words anyway! Ugh I wanna read more, I’m so in suspense to get to these last few days. I hope you update soon!
Ooabk chapter 21 . 1/30/2018
What a crazy chapter! The tension between Miyeon and Saeyoung was actually too much, I felt like I was being teased!

Can’t wait for the next chapter!
That one guy chapter 19 . 12/11/2017
Wtf why so long? Kidding this is awesome thank you so much!
Ooabk chapter 18 . 10/4/2017
So much has happened omg, what a whirlwind of events!
I’m so glad this story is being continued, I can’t wait to read what happens next
summercharizard chapter 18 . 10/3/2017
yesssss, they've finally met
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