Reviews for Children of the Dark - Year 7
Guest chapter 40 . 9/24
Amazing series, loved all 7 stories. Can’t wait to read all the extras you’ve written and to read more of your stories in the future :)
Honestly Who Cares chapter 40 . 8/27
This is honestly one of the best series I have ever read and I definitely the best Harry Potter series I’ve read. My fave Harry Potter five for sure, this was ingenious! You’re awesome
Guest chapter 40 . 8/25
Thoroughly enjoyed reading this series! I think you’re an amazing writer - to be able to take characters that we love and make us hate them. Amazing!
Leolin0611 chapter 3 . 8/18
I am a bit disappointed in this werewolf usefulness. I know it is a dark-side-winning story, but I felt like at least the light got some revenge. But as it turns out, they didn't.
kinnik chapter 17 . 8/11
I'm slightly surprised that Draco didn't smell Harry on Ginny or even a trace of Daphne's scent. Thought Daphne's could have disappeared when the polyjuice ended, but Harry kissed Ginny and unless she showered and brushed her teeth thoroughly, she should still smell a bit like him.
beccasullivanwrites1 chapter 40 . 7/25
Thanks to this series, I have gotten absolutely nothing accomplished in the last two days. Awesome, awesome series!
Guest chapter 40 . 7/10
ugh that was great i loved it so so much and it made me happy!
dracomalfoyfan1988 chapter 1 . 7/8
not draco!
Nscr chapter 1 . 5/20
As usual the series was great. Wish I had known about this when it was first written. Lots of twists and turns. Ruthlessness and power were felt throughout the series. Excellent writing as I was quite stressed reading the whole thing. I read all 7 parts in about a week it was so good.
Wolvie26 chapter 40 . 5/17
Love it! It was a great story. I actually prefer long stories as you get more details on plots that are happening and it there's more going on. I do like short stories but to me it seams like they are just getting really interesting when they end. Then it's like is that all there is? Wish I knew what happened with such and such.
Harmony Rose Zabini - Malfoy chapter 1 . 5/13
I just looked it up and the woman who played Rosmerta is 80 she was born in 1940!
OBsgurl2134 chapter 40 . 3/27
So, with everything going on in the world, I have read all of the COTD in about 4 days. I have to say, there is something about a dark hermione that I love to read. And a dark harry. Love your stories.
c.karen09 chapter 40 . 3/4
I enjoyed this story very much, and I'm glad there is more to read, even if it isn't another book on this series. I'm anxious to find out what happens next for Ginny and the rest of the Weasleys. Thanks for writing!
c.karen09 chapter 37 . 3/3
Thank you for explaining we will get further glimpses of this story after it's finished because I definitely want to know what happens later with everyone. And Thanks for writing!
c.karen09 chapter 36 . 3/3
Molly won't ever give up, but I'm disgusted with Bill and Charlie for involving Ginny in their kidnapping. They are grown men and she is a teenage who would have to go back to school with no protection. I'm with the twins on this one. They had no business involving their sister, and now she is paying for that involvement. This Hermione is surprisingly brutal. Thanks for writing!
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