Reviews for Journey
Mad about the Boro chapter 3 . 8/24/2017
Interesting, if a little confusing. Could you please add some line breaks to seperate the scene changes? It might just be an upload error, but without scene breaks the story seems disjointed & confusing... Otherwise, it looks like a good start & I look forward to seeing more!
Dragonblaze66 chapter 1 . 12/22/2016
interesting fic idea dude!
Virodeil chapter 3 . 12/18/2016
I admit, I've been confused by all the chapters so far, though I got the gist of the ideas you tried to convey amidst it all. If you still wish for a beta-reader, I might be able to help you, though I've got to admit (and pardon my frankness) this task seems so daunting here. Still, I rather enjoyed reading the more interesting and coherent pieces of the story, and hoped it would continue - the story, in Star Wars universe, I mean, not the confusion...
Interested to see what'll come next,
ArthurShade chapter 3 . 11/28/2016
enji-benjy chapter 3 . 11/27/2016
You really need to find a beta that can help you write this. The English is poor and it is barely legible. You also need to ad something to denote scene breaks and changes. You should also say who is talking more, this is incredibly hard to follow, especially this chapter.
You also need to explain what is happening more, this is just confusing so far as I have no idea what Harry was doing in hyperspace with the patronus, who was talking or anything else that happened in this chapter.
Scarlett Woman chapter 3 . 11/17/2016
After reading the first three chapters I have to say that while you may have creativity, you lack the sense of blending your dialogue with what is happening around. Also your story truly is all over the place and hard to follow, and although I may now have a concept of what is going on, it was done rather poorly and so I feel like this one I will have to dismiss.
Scarlett Woman chapter 1 . 11/17/2016
Maybe an idea how Harry landed himself into this mess, even if it was him falling asleep and waking in a new place. The begining just happens and takes awhile to get a picture. I presume Harry is an adult out of Hogwarts but as you give no clue or real entrance into this story I feel adrift with what is written. The ending however was creative and so I will give the next chapter a go and see.
Acolyte of the Blood Moon chapter 3 . 11/16/2016
I like the story, but could you please indicate it when you channge scenes? It was a bit confusing back there for a moment.
starboy454 chapter 3 . 11/16/2016
good update
moops chapter 3 . 11/16/2016
it jumps to much maybe if your do

-back at earth-

-meanwhile with genny at the burrow-

and on the second chapter you just introduced kate to quick and did a flash back right away. there was not need for flash back if you have just kept going with the story. flash backs are good to advance the story in all but not so quick and for no reason in haveing them.
Unknown9501 chapter 2 . 11/10/2016
Nice keep it going
Ranmaleopard chapter 2 . 11/8/2016
This is just really interesting keep it up
Ep chapter 2 . 11/5/2016
Rift01 chapter 2 . 11/5/2016
A good story so far but i would like longer chapters if possible.
fanHPTW chapter 2 . 11/5/2016
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