Reviews for Maidens, Ashes, and Souls
Spooke125 chapter 33 . 7/11
Do you plan on updating this eventually?
Lechain chapter 33 . 7/25/2019
This has been a very interesting fic and i hope it will continue.
Nonyaarb chapter 10 . 7/1/2019
HAHAHAHAHAH LOL. Comparing stealing one of his weapons to stabbing the queen of the grimm! Thats hilariouslly accurate
Another S.T.A.L.K.E.R chapter 31 . 2/16/2019
Glynda and Ozpin acting like complete cunts in this chapter.
Another S.T.A.L.K.E.R chapter 21 . 2/16/2019
A very fascinating take on this cross over. I also completely approve 250% the way Azrael regards the 'circle' as foolish naive children, Ozpin, mainly.
Keep up the good work!
Another S.T.A.L.K.E.R chapter 13 . 2/15/2019
Enjoyable story!
I hope Sif returns
Guest chapter 6 . 1/13/2019
the powers of New Game
Dorben chapter 4 . 8/9/2018
"I wonder if he's single?"

God, this sucks.
janed12000 chapter 33 . 6/28/2018
Loving the story. Found it yesterday and I just binged through it all. A few things I noticed is that fighting ability seems pretty inconsistent. An example is that Azrael had a limp from fighting Jaune's dad but he managed to beat Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood quite handily. Will Weiss being a reincarnation of Priscilla ever play a role in Weiss' development? Was SLMN taking it easy on SSSN during the tournament? If Azrael considered them such a big threat, they should have been able to defeat SSSN easily. Will Qrow, Glynda, and Ozpin ever trust Azrael? And is the Schnee summoning really dangerous, Winter is doing it with no issue. Though she seems kind of off.
Ferdiad chapter 4 . 6/18/2018
Oh what a badass, he talks a big game but got fucked up pretty good.
Axccel chapter 12 . 6/9/2018
I really hope nothing ridiculous happens like the bad guys somehow winning for no reason whatsoever like most fics do to artificially create drama instead of working drama into the story. It is always nonsensical, especially when pitted against someone capable of curbstomping them. Or the main character behaves moronically or merely observes the enemy instead of stabbing them to death or some other stupid thing that lets the bad guys do their stuff until it is too late for no reason at all or no reason good enough to justify it.

Also, "gasp, you have someone I don't know teaching my neices! He must be eeeeviiiil!" I somehow manage to always be surprised that every single fic has Qrow be a dumbass about the crossover character. He isn't paranoid, he's a cool, calm, clever individual. His response to an unknown stranger teaching his nieces would be "yeah, so?" His response to such a dangerous individual teaching them would be "good, nothing is getting through him to my nieces."
Axccel chapter 11 . 6/9/2018
Heh, I don't think Ozpin ever expected the students to be more loyal to the guy he wants to spy on than to him. Or rather, for Pyrrha to be suspicious of his motives for wanting to sniff out any advantage to use against Azrael.
Axccel chapter 10 . 6/9/2018
Trials are for determining the guilt of a person. The guilt of the pilots was not in question, so a trial would have been pointless anyway. The sentence for trying to kill someone in Remnant is probably a quick execution anyway. They could not afford to lock people up for long periods of time or for long waiting lists to be executed. The number of people and concentrated negativity would quickly build up and increase Grimm attacks locally. Besides, no one changes without motivation. The White Fang members have no motivation to change and simply locking them up would simply cause them to pat themselves on the back for "taking one for the team" or something. It would only make the problem worse while also sending the message that the White Fang can do what they please without real consequences. Not to mention any other terrorists and violent criminal organizations who would get the same message.
Axccel chapter 8 . 6/9/2018
Or just, y'know, not burn the corpses so that Azrael can just take their souls from the enemy and use them to return those people to life. Stuff like that. But, I guess expecting some sane or intelligent actions from people who basically thrive on insanity and are stupid enough to live where they do is unsurprisingly asking too much.
Axccel chapter 7 . 6/9/2018
Oh, I can see how Cinder attempting to recruit Azrael would go. Probably involving her swift and agonizing death and her soul being stripped of its knowledge for Azrael to take advantage of as he pleases. Someone the equivalent of a particularly annoying mob wouldn't last long against someone used to killing gods and armies.
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